Power x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

Sighing, I wondered how I ended up here.  Denji had been bugging me one moment and I ended up in Aki's apartment the next, our squad spread out with half of us wearing evil smirks.  Denji wouldn't stop casting me a mocking smile while Power had managed to sidle up beside me and was rubbing her shoulder against mine.  Out of the whole experience so far, I didn't mind the contact with the blood devil. 
"Alright, my turn!  Power, truth or dare?" Denji called out dramatically.  The devil against me hummed as if she was actually thinking it over even though it was clear she already made her choice.  I didn't really care about the game as I didn't care about much else.  It was childish and obviously a set up for one of us.  Aki cast me a tired stare in agreement of this silliness but we didn't have much of a choice. 
"I choose a dare!  I don't fear anything," she shouted with a smile, her head tilting to send me a wink.  Despite my unchanging expression, I felt my heart race.  She seemed to always find a way to get a reaction from me one way or another.  Even when she gave me subtle winks and smirks, it set something off in my chest. 
I've known Power for a while now, ever since I joined to become a devil hunter.  It was ironic when I felt an instant bond with a devil.  I couldn't help it though considering the way she cared for me.  She would check on me, getting me to talk about small things like whether I liked cats or not, a strange topic but still endearing. 
I didn't fully crush on her until she began hugging me whenever she got the chance.  The first time she caught me by surprise, I had flipped her out of defense.  I still felt bad for it and quickly learned to accept her affection.  She was one of the few to seem to genuinely care about me. 
"I dare you to eat the expired milk that's in the fridge," Denji evilly giggled.  Rolling my eyes, I was reminded of his age as it showed.  Power perked up at the challenge and I realized what she was going to do.  She quickly stood as I shot to my feet as well but she was fast.  Of course she wouldn't turn down a dare but by god I wasn't going to let her do this. 
"Wait!" I shouted out as Aki groaned but it was too late.  She stood victorious with a white smudge above her lips and an empty carton in her hands.  I wanted to gag with the thought, shaking my head at the antics that Denji and Power always had when they were near each other. 
"I have achieved victory!  Kneel before me peasants!" she called out with a large smile across her stained face.  I sank back to the ground in defeat, cringing slightly as she sat by my side again with a happy hum.  Denji was rolling on the ground laughing with tears in his eyes and Aki was massaging his head as if he had a headache. 
"It's my turn now!" Power declared.  Her arm wrapped around mine as my shoulders tensed.  She cast me a smirk and another wink that told me she was going to cause some trouble.  I wasn't one to get nervous instantly but the look of bloodlust in her eyes made me wary. 
"Y/n, truth or dare?"  I've never been more afraid of this game in my life.  Denji leaned in with excitement shimmering in his eyes and even Aki perked up in curiosity.  It was clear that they were aware of something I wasn't.  I began to realize with sudden clarity that I had walked into a trap. 
"Truth," I answered unsure.  I figured that it was a safer option than a dare considering the malicious intent sparkling in Power's eyes but when her smirk darkened, I realized there was no escape no matter what I chose.  Her grip on my arm tightened as I started to pray for mercy. 
"Who holds your affection?" Power questioned with a scandalous tone.  My eyes widened at the question.  I would've preferred a painful dare over answering any day but by the intense stare from Power, I knew I wasn't going to get away without spilling the truth no matter how much I didn't want to. 
"Why on earth would you ask me that?" I frowned.  I tugged back on my arm but Power held strong as she shrugged nonchalantly as if she wasn't asking me to confess to her with our other two partners listening in.  She didn't seem to care at all as she leaned in closer to me with wide eyes. 
"I'm curious is all," she whispered with excitement.  It was then I knew what her end goal was.  By the way she fluttered her eyelashes at me and smirked, she seemed to already know the answer to her question.  At this point she was baiting me to confess in front of witnesses.  I inhaled sharply at the idea that she already knew my secret, my face warming slightly in anticipation.  It meant there was no way I could lose.  And so with that, I straightened to look her in the eyes. 
"You seem to be the one I'm interested in," I told her.  Her own sinister expression fell instantly as a bright pink blush crossed her face.  She looked starstruck, stammering to herself as she became flustered.  I chuckled softly as I raised my hand to brush against her cheek.  Her face darkened at the contact as I leaned in teasingly before pulling back to wink at her. 
"Alright Aki, truth or dare?" I called out to the quiet guy.  He flinched at the attention, caught by surprise by the sudden switch and he wasn't the only one.  Power let out a whine as I smiled mockingly.  "Aww, be patient.  And maybe next time think twice about tricking me into a confession."

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