Denji x Reader

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Thanks @snailpee for the request!

I couldn't handle the way he looked at her, as if she was the answer to all his problems with me left behind as a footnote.  She was everything I couldn't be and more and I hated her for it.  When the hatred passed though, the guilt buried deep at my traitorous thoughts.  It wasn't her fault and blaming her wouldn't get me anywhere. 
It just wasn't fair.  How did I end up falling for the one guy who would never love me back?  Even before we met Makima, Denji always talked about getting his dream girl as I would nod along, biting my tongue to hold back everything I wanted to tell him.  He has always been blind to my feelings. 
I watched with a frown as Denji practically started drooling when Makima entered the room with a new task.  A painful clench in my chest had me blinking hard, resulting in shutting down any and all expressions to avoid letting anyone know what I truly felt.  No one would find out the deeply hidden admiration I held for him, not even Denji himself. 
Makima sat behind her desk, turning her gaze to Denji and I as we dutifully stood to attention.  It could've been my imagination but her eyes seemed to linger on Denji for a second too long before she acknowledged the both of us with a warm smile that seemed to lack any sincerity. 
"I didn't expect the both of you to be here but I suppose this will prove to be a better pairing," she mused with blank eyes.  I quietly brooded over her silent meaning.  She didn't want me here, only Denji for whatever reason.  I shut down that thought immediately, breathing in deeply to set myself right.  Makima was just doing her job and I needed to stop acting like a love sick puppy like Denji often did. 
"Everything you need to know is in this folder.  I expect the two of you to act your best or else punishments will be dealt out accordingly.  You're excused," she nodded, handing out the folder.  Denji scrambled forward to grab it with a wide grin that showed off all his pointed teeth.  A weak smile spread across my face at his excitement.  I knew it wasn't for the job we had to work on together but his expression was still cute even if it was caused by Makima. 


Denji POV

"All we're doing is tracking down a weak devil.  This should be easy enough," y/n shrugged, not looking me in the eye as we walked along the rooftops.  He's been different lately, colder and more somber.  He was nothing like his old self anymore and I was starting to miss someone who was still in front of me. 
"At least we get to do it together!  That's something, right?" I poked his side, smiling.  He flinched, giving me a small frown before continuing on ahead.  That same dark aura started to swirl around him like it usually did lately.  Concern guided me to step closer, not wanting him to get away. 
"Yeah.  Right," he mumbled.  Y/n was always quieter but it used to be comfortable silence and he was never such a sad quiet.  He had still cracked jokes and smiled before but now?  I paused.  I couldn't even recall the last time I've seen him smile and it made me feel lost, as if I was the one who hadn't felt any joy. 
Falling in step beside him, I looked over his features in worry.  What has happened to my best friend?  His eyes were unfocused and trained forward, somehow shimmery as if he was moments away from tears.  His hands were clenched by his side in what seemed to be frustration or irritation though his expression told a different story. 
"Did I do something wrong?  You've been different lately," I softly asked, bumping into his side gently.  He halted his movements, a brief flash of pure darkness crossing his face before he shut whatever emotion it was down.  He didn't stop his glare though as he sighed in exhaustion.  That's what it looked like...he looked utterly spent.  Like he hasn't rested in years. 
"I'm still the same person I've been this entire time," he muttered, his gaze averting to the ground.  Like hell he was though.  I wasn't stupid and knew that something's been going on with him for a while now.  Whatever was bothering him has also been picking at me.  I couldn't stand seeing him like this, it felt wrong and sparked a strange emotion that I couldn't describe. 
"No you're not.  You used to be positive and warm with the brightest laugh I've ever heard and now you don't even smile anymore.  You're cold and distant and I feel like I did something wrong but I have no clue what," I proclaimed, stepping in front to face him head on.  He didn't seem to appreciate my concern though as he glared at me with an angry frown pulling at his lips.  Seeing him pissed off didn't scare me though, in fact it set off a different sort of feeling inside my chest. 
"Of course you don't have a fucking clue," he whispered in frustration but his voice also carried a hint of desperation.  It was his tone that gave away what he was about to do even more so when his hands clutched the front of my shirt, pulling me in close. 
He wasn't the one to lean in though, surprisingly it was me that guided his mouth to mine in a spur of the moment decision.  I felt the shock of y/n shiver through his body as his shoulders tensed up.  After a gentle tug on his waist though, he started to melt into the gesture as he hummed dreamily.  It caused me to sigh shakily against his lips at the strange sensation. 
It wasn't long till his hands slid up my chest to cup my face gently, my own hands pulling him in closer by his hips.  When we pulled away, my face was flushed a bright red as y/n looked at me wide eyed and seemingly awakened from his strange trance form earlier.  It was the most life I've seen in his expression in months now and I couldn't help but pull him in closer again to peck his nose. 
"I can't believe we just did that," he mumbled, sounding horrified yet satisfied.  I nodded back, understanding what he meant.  Everything felt so quick and fueled by desperation that it hadn't felt real at all.  The fluttering feeling in my chest told me otherwise as I felt y/n's own heartbeat thumping rapidly against my body. 
"We should do it again just to make sure," I winked with a smirk that made y/n chuckle.  The sound resonated with something in me as I pulled him in to kiss him again.  He gladly pushed back, eager to take all the affection I was ready and willing to give him after so many years in denial.

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