Beam x Reader

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Thanks @Wheh_meh for the request!

It was another long day of work that left me bruised and exhausted. All I wanted was a bit of rest after back to back beatings. Even as a devil, I sucked at fighting and it showed in how I always attracted pain. Perhaps it wasn't even my fault but the side effects of being the Pain Fiend. This body might've been strong but it also always took damage even when I thought I was winning.

Sighing in exhaustion and annoyance, I figured I'd have to patch myself up when I got home...again. If I was lucky then maybe Beam was already home and he could help me a bit so it didn't take so long. All I wanted was to sleep anyway without having to take care of myself. With the aching behind my eyes, I was already convinced that I should skip the healing part and just pass out once I was through the door. Beam wouldn't approve of it though and I didn't want to disappoint him in any way, especially after we had a long conversation about me having to keep my vessel healthy.

"Stupid, squishy body. What a waste of energy," I grumbled to myself, poking my stomach where a gash had already been made. Somehow, I managed to poke it the wrong way as I felt the scab peel off and a fresh wave of blood seeped out of it and through my shirt. The stinging sensation that spread across my torso made me hiss. I was sick and tired of attracting pain. I needed to retire already from this sucky position. Maybe I'll try to be the cloud devil or some shit like that instead.

On my way home, I managed to fall down some stairs, piss off a cat that scratched me up, tripped over my shoes to scrape my knee and got hit in the head by a skateboard. As I slammed open the door, I was in a pretty bad mood from all the new bruises and cuts over my weary body as if I hadn't already been hurting before. I was ready to beat up the next thing that pissed me off, even knowing that I'd probably end up losing a limb over it.

"Baby! Is that you? I got a surprise for you!" Beam's cheerful voice called out from somewhere in the apartment. I felt myself brighten up at the sound of his voice, my pain easing the slightest bit as he rounded the corner with a small box in his hands. I wanted to cry as he bounded towards me happily. He was always so relaxed and eccentric that I usually couldn't stay mad around him.

"After this surprise can you help patch me up? It was a rough walk home again," I sighed tiredly. He eagerly nodded his head as he took one of my hands in his reassuringly, offering the other box to me. Slight curiosity guided me closer to the mystery object that must've been inside the cardboard. I gingerly took it from him, opening the lid of it right as a painful sting sliced my finger along with warm liquid running down to hit the floor.

"Fucking hell! Stupid cardboard cut! Oh my god, I'm done with this," I growled, snatching my hand away from the box to shake my finger in pain. I ground my teeth together as tears pricked at my eyes. It wasn't even that it hurt that had me ready to cry but that I couldn't do simple tasks without something ruining the moment. I almost wanted to push Beam away as he carefully wrapped his arms around my body, his bare chest pressing close to me.

"Here give it to me. We'll save the surprise till after I fix you up," he whispered in my ear, leaning his head on my shoulder. He gingerly grabbed my injured hand before he leaned over my shoulder, his tongue dragging along my finger where the cut bled. The sensation made shivers roll through me, my stare not leaving his mouth as he sucked all the blood off with a satisfied grin.

"That's gross," I mumbled pathetically as he shrugged. A second later and he had bitten into his own hand to draw blood that dribbled across his tanned skin. He held it up to my mouth with a smirk. I made sure to look at him intensely as I licked up the warm metallic liquid, feeling all my cuts and bruises fading in response to the devil's blood. It still was gross but it got the job done quickly while also easing my mind.

"I'm going to string you up in bubble wrap if that's what needs to be done to make sure you don't hurt yourself anymore," he smiled warmly, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before he turned away to grab the blasted box yet again. This time he didn't offer me to open it, instead flipping the top off to reveal a small cake on the inside just begging to be eaten. My mouth was already watering as I grinned happily at Beam.

"You always know what to do for me and I can't thank you enough," I breathed out in relief as my pain dissipated completely. Beam flashed me a knowing smile as he retrieved a fork and a spoon. He gingerly took the spoon, scooping up a piece of cake before slowly bringing it to my mouth. His care and attention was sweet, almost as sweet as the delicious cake that I found myself humming delightfully over as he chuckled warmly.

"That's because I love you. It's really not that hard to understand," he cheerily declared, scooping another mouthful of cake into my mouth. My face became warm as I stared at him in surprise. He didn't even hesitate to say it and I didn't wait a single moment before leaning in to kiss him passionately, cake frosting coating our lips.

"I love you too," I whispered against his mouth, feeling his smile rather than seeing it. He pushed the cake to the side as he wrapped his arms around me again. We took a few moments to just hold each other and there was no pain in it. There never seemed to be any pain or hurt with Beam, he truly was the perfect one for me.

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