Power x Reader

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The most gorgeous being in the world.  An absolute goddess even as she licked the blood from her hand.  I felt my heart speed up as her slitted eyes traced my body in disinterest.  When her stare locked with mine, I felt my smile widen enough to display my sharpened teeth. 

"Damn," I breathed out.  Power smirked suddenly, the expression on her face making my shoulders tense in anticipation.  It was a look of pure trouble and I wanted in on it.  The gleam in her eyes told me she knew the effect she had on me too. 

Her hips swayed a bit as she strutted towards me, blood dripping from her rumpled uniform and leaving a crimson trail behind her.  Hair long and flowing, I have wondered a million times how it would feel in my fingers.  Her pale hand lifted to flip a strand over her shoulder as if she could read my mind. 

"My my, have you a dull mind peasant?" she stated with her usual flourish of words.  She stepped over me, legs on both of my sides as she looked down at me.  I had been sitting on a low wall to watch her fight and now I was grateful for my choice of place, especially now that Power was standing over me with that smirk of hers.

"The dullest, your highness," I swooned, a flustered smile twitching across my face.  She perked up at the nickname, hands landing on her waist as she leaned down a bit to glare at me playfully.  I did my absolute best to keep my stare respectful, forcing myself to only look into her bright eyes. 

She instantly picked up on my inner struggles as a more evil smile crossed her expression.  Her hand flipped her hair again before she slid down with a wink.  I held my breath nervously as she sat herself on my lap, straddling me.  My hands shot into the air to avoid touching her, causing her to chuckle. 

"You have my permission to lay your hands on me if you so desire," she whispered with a wink, a finger resting on her lips as if she was sharing a secret with me.  My chest clenched with my face erupting in heat. 

Shakily, I brought my hands down to hover over her hips but not touching.  Power gave an eye roll before her fingers forced my hands to grip her waist.  Even with her uniform shielding her skin, I could still feel her warmth through the thin material.  My shoulders tensed at the wonderful feeling. 

"Such a fragile one you are," she sighed, adjusting her hips as I gasped.  She cast me a knowing smirk as her hands landed on my chest.  Blood smeared across my shirt but I couldn't care less for my uniform with her in my lap.  My attention was only on one person and it was the fiend that was looking at me like I was her next meal to destroy and devour.  Shivers rolled down my spine at the mere thought. 

"I'm not fragile, you're just rough," I mumbled distractedly, giving an experimental squeeze to her hips.  She let out a surprised squeak but didn't move.  My own smirk flashed across my face at the small noise.  It was so small and cute for someone so powerful and loud.  "Aww, how cute." 

Her hands moved suddenly to grip my shoulders harshly as she hissed.  A sneer pulled at her lips as she narrowed her eyes.  It was clear that I had crossed the line with calling her cute but if the shoe fits, wear it.  Power pushed down on me, my body sliding off the low wall as I hit the ground.  "What the fu—!" 

"Watch what you call me peasant!" she yelled out fiercely.  She sat back down on my waist as I rubbed my back that now felt like one giant bruise.  I cast her a glare but it didn't last long as she chuckled evilly at me.  There was no winning with her anyways so trying would be pointless. 

"You're so fragile," I cooed back mockingly.  She growled, a hand grabbing a fistful of my shirt to yank me closer to her.  With her face so close to mine now, I quickly shut up.  I could smell the faint metallic scent of blood on her tongue as her mouth hovered over mine.  A look of victory settled on her expression. 

"I'll battle you and triumph every time," she whispered.  I smiled again, pushing forward to kiss her.  One of my hands found her waist again, the other moving to slide through her long hair.  I hummed against her lips at the softness of the pale strands, a shiver rolling down her back at the sensation it gave her. 

"Damn, you two really get into it, don't you?" a familiar voice chirped.  I growled softly as Power pulled away, her face bright red.  She looked away from me with what seemed to be bashfulness before standing abruptly.  She didn't bother to fix her wrinkled uniform as she glanced down at me and away again.  Denji smirked down at me as I glared at him.  Standing up, I launched myself at the blonde. 

"You asshole!  Stay out of it," I yelled out, disappointed that he had interrupted us when it was just getting good.  Denji laughed like a maniac as we collided to begin a wrestling match on the already blood soaked floor.  Over the sounds of Denji though, I picked up on the sound of Power's soft laughing and it assured me that there would be more chances with her.

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