Beth's Blood

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      Shane and Rick was gone today. They were finally taking the prisoner off the grounds. Everyone was walking around a lot less tense then before.
      The threat was gone. Whatever threat Randall posed, tied up, blindfolded, in a shed, with a fucked up leg.
      I was going to spend the morning with Carl. Carol had Kali and told me to go when Carl asked if I was busy. We was going to the barn again.
     There was a couple of books we put up there that Hershel had. Well technically that his wife had. We asked if we can borrow it before hand.
      No comic books to Carl's dismay but there were murder mystery which got him to not complain as much.
      "Are you nervous today? You know about your dad going off?" I asked while we walked over there.
      "No not much. He has Shane with him." For his sake I tried not to roll my eyes.
      That was the thing between us. It was very obvious I didn't like Shane and the feeling was mutual. Carl adored Shane though. He was one of the only people Carl known from before.
      We tried not to talk about it. He didn't mention that Shane around me that much. When he does I try my hardest to not roll my eyes. Or call him a name.
      He hasn't hung around Shane much either. He was around me the most since we started dating. Everyone noticed but didn't say anything.
      I think it's only because they been so occupied with Randall but now since he's gone there's gonna be questions. Maggie already been asking if there was anything going on. I try to pretend that I don't know what she's talking about. 
      "How far are you along in that book?" I asked once we climbed to into the hayloft. "Eh not that far. It's going slow and I get distracted by stuff."
      "What's distracting you? There's nothing up here."
       Shaking my head, I grabbed the book I was halfway done with. I sat on hay that Carl kissed me on and started right where I left off.
      I could feel Carl staring though. I ignored him until he started to poke me.
      "Yes Carl?"
      "Can you read to me?"
      "You're going to read this book next. Why do you want to spoil it?"
      "You can read my book. It's barley left the beginning. We can start all over. I don't mind."
      "Give it to me." I said putting my book to the side. He smiles and handed me his, sitting next to me.
      "Why do you want me to read it?"
       "Cause you have a soothing voice. You'll probably help me pay attention to the boring spots of the story."
     "They add context."
     "They're boring."
      "You're boring."
      "You take that back."
      "Do you want me to read to you or not?"
       "Yes please." He said scooting closer to me as I opened the book and started reading.
       We stayed like that for a while. It was one of the few peaceful childlike moments that we could have. Reading a story even if it was too old for us to be reading but we witnessed worse. So it was innocent enough.
      The character that was murdered was killed by a pillow. That was the most peaceful way to go these days.
      It was the saddest thing but it was the reality of today.
      "You know the killer is dumb. Why would they leave stuff on the ground? That's the only way they'll think it was a natural cause of death." He said as I finished another chapter.
      "That's what you think Sheriff?" I teased looking over at him. 
      He tipped his hat and smiled. "Yes ma'am. Could've been a open and shut case if they just put the jewelry back. Only reason we think it's a murder ma'am."
      "Who do you think it is?"
       "Has to be the robber that's going around. It's too much coincidence don't you think?"
      "Did you help you dad with cases or something?"
      "No but I would overhear him sometimes talking to my mom. Or when Shane was over. Or when he would pick me up from school and parents would ask about cases."
      "In front of kids?"
      "Damn. Adults always forget we're around sometime."
      He shrugged and flipped the page. "You think we can finish one more chapter before lunch?"
      "I thought this book was boring for you?"
      "It was but you make it better."
      "Carl. You don't have to try so hard."
       "I'm trying to make you smile. And it's working." He said poking my cheek while I tried to grab his hand.
      "Stop it."
      "You have a cute smile you know."
      "Shut up." I mumbled as I tried to start reading again but he kept trying to poke my cheek.
      "What can I do to make you stop?"
      "You can kiss me."
      "That's all I have to do to make you stop?"
       "Fine." I jokingly rolled my eyes and pecked his lips.
      "That's all I wanted."
       "Whatever." I laid my head on his lap and started to read but as we was halfway through the chapter we got interrupted.
      "Kids! Lunch is ready." Carol called from the bottom of the ladder.
      "Coming." We chorused before going down the ladder. She had a little smile on her face looking over at us.
      "You two still reading those books huh?"
      "They're good once you give them a chance."
     "I got to come up there and read with you two one day." We gave each other a look then looked over at Carol.
      "What? Is it kids only up there?"
      She raised her eyebrow. "Alright then. You two go in the house and have lunch. Kali already ate with Glenn." Carol said as she started to walk away.
      "You want to race again?"
      "No. I think I'm okay with races from now on." I said started to walk up to the house.
      "Scared you're gonna get beat or something?"
      "No I just want to walk with my boyfriend." I slipped my hand into his and squeezed twice. "Is that a bad thing?"
      He shook his head and squeezed back.

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