Chapter 14

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My hands trembled as I stared at her face, each second that went by made me think more of how we resembled each other's features. I was more terrified as the idea that she could be the woman in my dream last night popped. None of this was making sense. I wanted answers. I was desperate for them.

Then I heard footsteps coming my way, I panicked and Edith's words started crawling back. She didn't want me to enter this room. I don't know why, but it feels like there's something wrong. My knees were shaking but I fled away from the room as fast as I could and was lucky enough to enter the restroom on time.

I tried to process the things I saw, I washed my hands as I stared at myself on the mirror. I wasn't even able to read my emotions through the expression of my face. All of it was in a blur and I don't know who and what to believe anymore. It's ironic how all of this is unfolding the minute I dream of a woman who looks just like me. Who gives me a message about something personal. The atmosphere was no longer clear on its part.

For some reason, I know in my heart that I needed to tell Gaeb all about it. He must be the first to know about these, because deep down I know it involves him. That woman meant more than just a coincidence, she was more than just a dream, she was a sign. I was wrong to think I needed to escape the thought and image of her, I should face it.

There was a knock on the door. "Love, are you okay in there?" I could hear Gaeb ask. I gathered all the courage I have left to say yes. "Okay, could you hurry up a bit? It's almost dinner time, the food is already on the table. Don't make it wait." I could hear him walk away now. I exhaled and opened the door.

"Oh good, you're here." Edith said as she offered me a seat. I sat beside Gaeb and she was in front of us. She cooked a lot of dishes, but I lost my appetite with all these thoughts bombarding me. "I am so glad you are here Amee, it's been a while and I've always liked seeing you and Gaeb together. He has never looked this happy."

The conversation went on, I couldn't keep up at times but Gaeb was always kind enough to enlighten me.  Not until Gaeb left to buy ice cream and it was only me and Edith left. It was awkward, it had always been. She was kind and made me feel welcomed but I know she has something beneath that facade and I couldn't tell. It was too soon to lower my guard down. We sat on the sofa. She started to talk.

"I know you went in the storage room." My eyes widened, I was scared with how this conversation may end up. "I'm not angry, in fact, I think it was good that you saw what you saw there. Maybe it was just too soon, things weren't exciting yet but maybe they are now. Ameelya, you need to know about this. I feel bad that you have to find out through me, it should have been from Gaeb."

"What?" My heart started beating quick. "About what?"


"The woman in the portrait?"


"Who is she?"

"Mia was Gaeb's girlfriend, they knew each other since they were kids. She's the first woman he ever introduced to us. It was with Mia where I saw Gaeb at his happiest. To tell you frankly, I thought she was the one and I wanted her to be the one. As a grandmother, I only want what is best for them, and with what I used to see before, Mia was perfect for Gaeb. They were inseparable and whenever I look at them, I saw love and happiness."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked trying to hold back the tears. It was hurting me, every single word. "If you don't like me for Gaeb... I can't force you but—

"Let me finish." She said firmly. "Gaeb is keeping something from you, I know him too well. Mia died on the day of their anniversary. You look like Mia, you sound like her, you even have the same qualities as her. I know so much, enough to figure out that he kept Mia from you because he doesn't want you to know that he's only with you because you and your face reminds him of Mia. He doesn't love you Ameelya, he only loves the thought of who you could be whenever he looks at your face."

"That's not true..."

"But it is." She said. "It is because he told me. I asked him what was so special about you and how you won his broken heart, he told me it was because it felt like Mia sent him you so you could keep her memories alive. I am telling you this because that secret has been eating me up since the day I found out. I don't want him to keep hurting you, I can't stand seeing you love him so much and treat him so well without knowing why he's with you. It's not because he loves you Amee, it's because he's grieving."

"But he told me he loves me..." I poured out and I could feel the warmth of Edith's embrace. I couldn't take all of it right now. "He promised me a lot of things, he was real... it was all real and I felt it was real."

"That's exactly what he wants you to feel, he wants you to feel the way he made Mia feel. Because he thinks you could be Mia." Edith said. "But you are not Mia. I can't let you help him live that lie. I want Gaeb to forget her, and you are preventing him from moving on. I feel bad for you, because you're dragged down with him. I'm sorry Amee."

The door opened, it was Gaeb. He heard all of it.


I stood up and stormed out, I didn't want to look at him because it was al too painful on my part. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know him anymore. He is not the Gaeb I knew and loved. Or did I even know him for who he really was? I walked faster but there were sounds behind me.

His footstep.


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