Ignored by my little brother

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Izuku POV

I didn't go for dinner that night. I just stayed in my room the entire night. I couldn't bare to face Nii-chan right now. What if he yelles at me again or something. I heard a knock on my door. "Izuku sweetie are you okay?" Oh it's just mom. "Yeah I'm okay mom, just not hungry" I said. "Oh good, you got me and your mother worried there" she chuckled. "Well goodnight sweetie" she said. "Night mom" I went and lay down on my bed.

Today's Sunday and Nii-chan's going back to the dorms in the afternoon so I'll wait till then. I got a message form Toshi. He's outside waiting for me? I changed then made my way to the door trying to avoid Nii-chan at all costs. "Where are you going Izu?" I tenced up. "U-um Toshi's h-here, we're going to the mall" I turned to him. "Just the two of you?" He asked. "Y-yes" I scratched my arm. "I'll come with you" He smiled. I didn't have a choice really. So me and Toshi was stuck with Nii-chan. I was still a bit tense.

We went to the mall and I stayed next to Toshi the entire time. Nii-chan scared me really bad last night. "Hey umm Tohi could you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked. Thankfully he cought on. "Sure Izu, hey Kirishema we'll be right back. Hold our spot please" he said to Nii-chan. "Oh sure!" He grinned. "Let's go Izu" he took my hand and we got away from Nii-chan. "What happened" he didn't ask more like he said. "Me and Nii-chan had a little disagreement last night and he kinda scared me a bit" he nodded. "I see" He then placed a hand on my shoulder witch cosed me to flinch. "Hey it's okay" He lifted  my sleve and saw the bruise that formed last night. "Izu, what the fuck exactly happened" he glared at me. "U-umm" I looked away. "Nii-chan grabbed my shoulders a bit to hard last night and it kind of bruised" I said. "Does he know about it?" He asked. I just shook my head. "Oh Izu" he sighed and gently hugged me. "It's okay Izu, I'll keep you from him for a bit okay?" I smiled. "Thanks Toshi" He stroked my hair.

We went back to Nii-chan that was waiting for us at the cafe. "Sorry if we took to long, there was a line" Toshi's good at excuses. "It's fine! I've ordered coffee for you, is that alright?" He asked. "Perfect" Toshi smiled. "I've ordered me and Izu our favorite too" he grinned. I just stayed silent.

Our drinks arrived and he thanked Nii-chan once again. I just kept quite, to scared to talk at all. I just quietly listened to they're conversations and drank my strawberry milkshake. It was my favorite after all. "Hey Izu" Toshi called out to me. "Mhh?" I looked at him. "Can I have some of your mistakes?" He asked. "Sure Toshi" I smiled. I glanced at Nii-chan who was staring daggers at Toshi. "Nii-chan, are you okay?" I hesitated before I spoke. "Huh? Oh- yeah I'm fine!" He smiled. "O-okay" I turned back to Toshi. "Thanks Izu" he smiled and ruffled my hair. "Anytime Toshi" I smiled and took a sip of my milshake.

Kirishema POV

He literally had the audacity to ask my little brother for a sip of his milkshake! He's so dead! "Nii-chan, are you okay?" I snapped out of me thoughts and turned to him. "Huh? Oh- yeah I'm fine!" I smiled at him. "O-okay" he turned back to Shinso. Is he scared or something? He seems a bit off. Probably nothing. I shrugged it off.

We went home and Shinso insisted to walked us home. "Hey Izu, are you excited for the USJ field trip?" Shit! "Yeah-" I cut him off. "He's not going" I said. "What??" Shinso turned to me. "W-what?" Izuku held onto Shinso's arm. "I'm not letting you go to the USJ stadium" I bluntly said. "Why? He can choose for himself to you know" He glared at me. "I'm not allowing him to go, it's to dangerous for my little brother" he sighed. "I have to go, cya at school Izu" he then kissed Izuku on the cheek then left. "Uhn! Bye Toshi!" He waved him off.

We went inside the house and he went straight to his room without a word. "Izuku sweetie, are you alright?" Mom asked knocking on his door. "I'm fine mom, just tired" he said. "Alright then, well goodnight" she smiled. "Night mom" he said.

The next day we took the bus to school. He was silent the entire ride to school. I decided to confront him about it when we were at school to avoid attention. Once we got off the bus he ran to Shinso hugging him. He hugged back then took his hand and they walked to they're classroom. I decided to confront him later since I was planning to confess to Bakubro!

I was super excited and nervous at the same time. This was the moment I've been waiting for, for a year! Oh- there he is! "Oi shitty hair, why'd you even want me to come here?! It's fucking annoying!" He yelled. Typical Bakubro. "I wanted to tell you something!" I smiled.

Bakugou POV

Okay? What did he want to tell me? I swear to god if it's what I think it is, I'm out. "I-I liked you since we met and I would really like it if you would be my boyfriend" He grinned. I just stared at him blankly. "Y-you don't have to awnser right away ofcourse! Take your time to decide! I just wanted you to know" He chuckled.

I knew it. I'm so not gonna decide! Besides I have my eye's on a sirten black head. God just thinking of him makes me blush. "So Bakubro? What will it be?" He asked. "I don't like you shitty hair and I never will, your just a 'friend' to me, nothing more and it will never be anything more" I said. "W-what?" He looked sad and had tears in his eye's. "I don't like you back Kirishema and I never will" I turned to leave. "Do you have someone else?!" He shouted. "Yes, and they're far better than you" I smirked then left.

He was a good ally but he just had to mess it up by falling in love huh? Well time to pester a sirten black head.

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