The USJ trip

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Izuku POV

Finally we're going to the USJ stadium! I'm so excited for this field trip! Me and Toshi were just hanging out like always, Nii-chan said he couldn't hangout  with me since he had a lot of homework to do. So me and Toshi were roaming the streets when we bumped into Nii-chan and his friends.

"Nii-chan? I-I thought you said you couldn't come hangout with me because you needed to finish your homework Sensei Midnight gave you" I looked at his guilty face. "What? But we don't have any homework from Sensei Midnight or anyone for that matter" Mina-San said. "R-really?" I smiled, hurt from my brother lieing at me. "Izuku-" I turned away. "No, no it's fine Nii-chan. Have fun with your friends" I smiled and walked the way we came from. "Hey Izu wait up!" Toshi cought up to my and placed hi arm around my neck.

We went to a cafe not to far from my house. "Hey it's okay Izu you've got me" He smiled. "Yeah your right, I don't need him when I have you" I smiled back at him. Toshi's such a great friend, I wouldn't want to lose him for anything.

The next day we all were lined up to get on the bus. Me and Toshi were sitting it the back against the wall of the bus. I fell asleep on the way there. I always fall asleep when we drive long distances. When we arrived there we saw a big building and I mean Big! "Toshi isn't this amazing!" I smiled. "Yeah it is" he smiled back. 

Aizawa sensei trained us till we dropped to the ground. I was so tired and I overuse my quirk witch coused nossia. "Hey Izu you okay?" He asked. "I'm gonna be sick" he rubbed my back. Villains started attacking but I was to weak to do anything. My drawbacks take at least an hour to disappear. Sensei started fighting them off as Toshi tried helping me to a saver spot. "Breath alright!" He then went to help sensei. "T-toshi!" I wanted to help but I couldn't. I was mentally and physically weak. A giant headache came and it was painful. It was so painful it made me pass out.

Shigaraki POV

Dabi spotted someone and brought them over. It was a kid to short for his age with black hair, I couldn't make out the eye color but his teeth looked like shark teeth. He was passed out, probably from overuse of his quirk. "Take him to the base, well see what he can offer" Dabi nodded. "IZUKU!" Someone yelled. It was a kid with violet hair and purple eye's.

"Give him back!" He yelled. "Oh? Look's like someone has a thing for this particular black head" I grinned. "Oh no! Kirishema-kun!" Some other MPC cried. Wait Kirishema? Isn't that the redheaded shark boy in 2-A? "GIVE IZUKU BACK NOW YOU VILLAINS!" He yelled. "Sorry but he's coming with us" Dabi smirked. "Kirogiri!" I yelled. Kirogiri warped us to the bar just before that violet haired boy could reach us.

"Dabi go tie him up, Toga no taking his blood" I glared at her. "Fine!" She crossed her arms. Dabi tied him up to the chair then went to do his own thing. After two hours he slowly began to wake up. "Look who's finally awake" I grinned. "W-where an I?!" His ruby red eye's wondered the bar. "Your at the LOV base!" Toga chirped. "V-villains?" His eye's landed on my red ones. "Yes, and you'll give us information about UA" his eye's moved from mine to Dabi's next to me. "B-but I just got there a-and I'm still figuring out how the place works" he's shy I see. "Say what class are you in?" Dabi asked. "1-A" he said. "1-A? So your a first year?" Dabi asked. The boy just nodded. "What's your name cutie?" Toga smiled. "I-Izuku Kirishema" Kirishema again. "Are you perhaps related to Ejiro Kirishema?" Twice asked. "H-he's my older brother" Oop....We fucked up. "Oh no" Toga shook of fear.

"We should probably let him go handjob" Dabi said. "No, what's your quirk little Kirishema?" I asked. "Perrifi" he said. Petrifi huh. "How does it work" I looked at him. "If I touch something with all five fingers I can turn them or it into stone" he said. Our quirks aren't that different after all. "B-but it's difficult to control my quirk so I wear special gloves to help me to not turn everything into stone" maybe I could use that too. "That friend of yours is really something" he shot his head up and locked eye's with me. "T-toshi?" He said. "He's very protective of you huh?" I gatta admit I was kinda jealous that he could spent time with this cutie and I couldn't. "H-he's my best friend so why wouldn't he?" Good point. "But have you ever considered that he might like you more than a friend?" I tilted me head. "T-toshi would never, besides he like's someone already!" He said. "Who? You?" I smiled. "..." he didn't respond. "Look all I'm saying is, he might want to be more than friends and I'm pretty sure your brother won't like that" I grinned and got up. "We'll get some more information tomorrow" I sighed.

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