The drawings

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Izuku POV

I finished drawing tactics for Dabi that he can practice with and I even drew some for the other members to match up with they're quirks. I didn't give it to them yet ofcourse. I heard a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Toga. "Heyy!" She smiled. "Toga am I right?" She happily nodded. "I came to make friends with you!" She smiled. "Oh umm sure!" I smiled. "Wait your actually willing to give a friendship with a villian a try?!" She shouted getting excited. "I mean yeah, your still a person and everyone deserves a second chance don't they?" I smiled at her and she hugged me. "Your so cute!!" She squealed. "Oh! I have something for you actually" I got the drawings of tactics for the out of the pile of paper. "A present for me?" She smiled. "More like something to help you and your quirk to get stronger" I gave it to her. "Did you- did you draw this for me?" She stared at it shock clear on her face. "Yup! I thought it'll help you with getting stronger" I smiled. "I love it! Thank you so much Izuchan!" She smiled. "S-sure!" I smiled at her. "Oi crazy, handyman is looking for you" Dabi said. "Aww~ Bye Izuchan!" She hugged me then left. "Oh Dabi! I finished the drawings for you" I surched threw the other's for his. "Really? That was- woah how many did you make?" He asked. "Well I thought since I'm helping you and Shigaraki with your quirks and tactics I should at least do the same to the other's too right?" I got his drawing and gave it to him. "Wait are you serious?" He looked at me with that amused face. "Yup!"I smiled and placed my hands on my side's. "It's only fair" I chirped.

"Your the first person to ever say something like that to anyone let alone a villian" He grinned. "Well I'm glad than! There's a first for anything! That's what Nii-chan said dad used to say" I smiled. "Used to?" He asked. "I'm not sure really, I've never met my dad, Nii-chan kept telling me stories about him and I can't help but wish to meet him" I sat down at the desk. "Did he die or something?" He raised his eyebrow. "No, mama said he left after she had me then when I turned one he filed for a divorce or something but soon after that she married her best friend" I shrugged. "That man's an idiot if he left someone like you behind" He ruffled my hair. "U-uh thanks Dabi" I softly smiled at him. "Anytime twerp" He left and closed the door behind him. I sighed and layed on my arms finally being able to get some sleep.

Third person POV

Shigaraki opened the door to the room where Izuku was in only to find the greenette asleep at the desk with a bunch of paper around him on the desk. Shigaraki stepped closer to the boy and looked at the drawings Izuku made. To say he was impressed was an understatement. He was beyond impressed at not just his skill of drawing but the tactics he drew on the paper as well. He soon found one that looked like him, with strategies to improve his quirk with. He looked threw all the drawings and his page cought his most attention since it was all about him. He sat on the bed in the room and looked at the moves the greenette drew for him. It was all tipes of moves and strategies for him to train his quirk more and for him to get stronger. He soon heard the greenette slowly waking up from his peaceful sleep. Izuku sat up from his chair and stretched his arms with a small yawn.

Izuku POV

I woke up and turned to the bed but was met with Shigaraki looking threw the drawings I made for him. "Did you draw this?" He asked waving the drawings around in the air. "Yes I did, do you like them?" I asked. "Your really talented you now that" He stood up and started walking tewords me. "Y'know you could always join the League" I leaned against the desk. "We could really use someone like you Sharky" He patted my head. "Think about it, okay?" He grinned and then left the room closing the door behind him.

Nii-chan please hurry I'm scared

I sat on the bed and hugged my knees once again and silently cried. I miss my brother, friends and most of all Kacchan. I miss Kacchan so much. I just want to go home and lay in his arms, to feel save again. Here I just feel like they could kill me anytime they want and I'm right, they're villains after all. They're not that bad but that doesn't mean I should no be careful around them. I slowly started falling asleep once again, thinking of my family, friends and most of all my lover.

Katsuki POV

"What do you mean he's been kidnapped by the League again?" Aizawa glared at eyebags. He held his head down with shame and sadness. "I was trying to get him! I really was, but they surounded him with blue flames!" He said. "How are we going to get him back this time? They'll probably not even be afraid of Aoyama anymore!" Racoon eye's shouted. "What are we going to do? He's probably freaking out right now" Shitty hair held his head in panic. "They probably hurt him and stuff!" I slapped him across the face for two reasons, one to snap him out of it and two? Well just because I want to besides he deserves it. "Thank you Bakugou" Aizawa said. "We'll have to wait and see what they want to do next, for now we can't do anything...I'm sorry Kirishema, we'll get your brother back soon" He patted his head. The door then flew open with copycat and his friends barging in. "I just heard the news, is Izuku okay?" He panted trying to catch his breath. "Monama wh-" Aizawa couldn't finish his sentence. "Where's Izuku?!" Tincan asked. "They captured him again" Icyhot said. "What?!" They all yelled.

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