𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏

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*𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒑!* I jolted awake to the sound of my annoying old alarm clock, ringing for about the 1000th time after I had put it on snooze again. ''Five more minutes wouldn't hurt...'' I thought to myself, slamming down the snooze button and rolling over in my covers.

Five minutes soon came and gone, and I was faced with the most easy difficult decision in the world once again. I groaned, and went to press the snooze button again, until I felt a firm grip clasp itself around my wrist. I looked up and saw my roomate, John, standing over me. 

''The fuck do you want, John. Let me sleeep...' I murmured, still not fully woken up yet. ''No, Y/n, you need to get up already, it's 11:30! Way past sleeping time.'' He told me, still not letting go of my wrist. 'Oh, it's 11:30!' I said, sitting up. John sighed a breath of relief, and finally let go of my wrist. I smirked and immediately pushed the snooze button and went back to sleep seconds after he let go. I couldn't see it, but I could feel  his eyes staring me down as I lay there. 

I snuggled up into my sheets, and started to drift off. But before I could go to sleep properly, I felt something grab me by my ankles, I looked down in shock to see John kneeling at the end of my bed, his hands around my ankles. He has a massive, shit eating grin on his face. We both knew what he was going to do yet.

''John Tavish, don't you dare do what I think you're about to do.'' I told him, firmly. His smile just grew even wider, and within a second I was on the floor, being dragged by my ankles into the living room of our apartment. ''LET ME GO! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD ONCE I GET PUT DOWN ASSHOLE!!'' I screamed at him, he just laughed at me and continued to drag me through our apartment. ''Well, you wouldn't get up on your own, so this is what you get for being lazy. You had it coming, shithead.'' John remarked, as he set me down on our sofa. 

He plopped me down onto the cushions softly, and then stood over me, with both of his hands either side my head, his face right up against mine. My first instinct was to kick him where the sun don't shine and make a break for my bedroom, but before I could even finish thinking the thought of it, John gave me a lecture.

''You do know one of these days you will actually have to get a job? That will require you to GET OUT OF BED and not just be lazy sleeping in all day. I can't keep dragging your ass out of the dirt, the landlord already hates you. And I wouldn't like to see you get evicted, would you like to be evicted, Y/n?'' I looked at him, and I don't know why, but I pulled him into a hug. 'He was shocked at first, but eventually hugged me back. ''You know I'm a sucker for hugs, but what the hell was that for?'' He asked, sitting next to me, looking rather puzzled.

I put on my best fake crying voice, and started to spew excuses. ''Well, you know, since my dad died... I've been super duuuuper sad about it, and hugs just remind me of when he used to hug me when I was little...'' I said, trying my best to convince him that I was sad. Instead, he rolled his eyes. ''Oh, cut the crap you little worm. We all know your dad went to get the milk.'' He sneered, chuckling. ''Oh, how rude, belittling a grieving woman. I feel so offended I might cry!'' I pretended to cry, and he smacked me round the back of the head. ''Hey, what was that for?'' I asked, but he was nowhere to be seen when I turned around.

I felt all the colour drain from my face, I knew what he was going to do. 'John, stop messing, we both know that you're going to scare me easily, so just come out so I can smack you one!!' I called out, and I heard a laugh come from somewhere in the room. It was creepy how stealthy this guy could be, especially since he was like, 6'2? ''Well, I would. But this way is just more fun! :)'' He called out, and I started to walk around, bracing myself for the scare that could come at any moment.

After a while, I actually started to wonder where on earth he could've gone, it wasn't exactly a big apartment that we shared. I got to the end of the hallway I was walking down and turned around. ''Okay, you win John, co-'' I didn't get to finish my sentence, because as soon as I turned around, I was met with John standing over me, the same shit eating grin from earlier plastered onto his face. I squealed and he burst out laughing. ''Hey, that wasn't funny, I could've died from a heart attack!'' I screamed at him. He looked down at me with a warm smile on his face and then laughed at me, lime a little schoolgirl. ''You should've seen your face, it was priceless! I should've filmed it, that would be hilarious to show everyone!'' He remarked, so I punched him in the knee. ''Ouch!! What was that for, am I not allowed to joke with my friends?'' I shook my head. ''Not when it's me, because you have to live with me. And you have to sleep sometime!''

𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 - 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now