𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟑

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Me and John got home at about 3:00am, after pissing about at the park and getting a takeaway all night. It made me forget that I even had to be at work in 3 hours, it was just like we were teenagers again, it was a nice feeling. I felt peaceful and carefree again, I could share a genuine laugh with my best friend, I was able to let go of all the weight of adulthood off my shoulders for a couple of hours. When we got back home, John fell straight to sleep like a baby on the sofa, and I watched some random soap opera on TV.

I watched that soap opera for a couple of hours, and it was only when the alarm went off at 5:30 am on John's phone that I realised the time. I grabbed his phone off the counter, my eyes went wide and my face dropped when I saw the time. ''5:30 am!!!'' I exclaimed, and I ran into the living room where John was sleeping. I shook him violently and he woke up, looking at me with the rock stare plastered on his face.

''What do you want, Y/n? You're not usually up this early, what's up?''He asked me, and I just shoved his phone into his face. He grabbed it off me, and turned it on. ''Why do you have my phone? That's a bit wei-'' He paused in the middle of his sentence when he saw the time. ''Oh shit. You're going to be late for work! Hurry and get dressed, you can't be late, especially on your first day!!'' He shouted, I nodded and ran to my bedroom to get dressed.

I grabbed some jeans, a plain black shirt, my fleece, and socks and hurriedly got dressed. I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I checked the time while my toothbrush was half hanging out of my mouth. 6:40 was the time it read. I still had time, but not enough to be dawdling in here! I finished up in the bathroom and quickly brushed my hair on the way to the living room. John was already waiting at the front door for me. He tossed me my bag, shoes and a pack of gum. ''I'll be waiting in the car!'' He said, as he rushed out of the door and down the steps of our rusty apartment building. 

I giggled to myself and shoved on my shoes. I grabbed my bag and stuffed a piece of gum in my mouth, yum, strawberry! My favourite flavour, John really knew me well. I locked the door and ran down to the car where I saw John sitting in the drivers seat, his seatbelt was already on and the engine of the car was on, gas pouring out of the exhaust pipe. I opened the door and got in, John looked quie panicked, and I felt bad for him, only a little though.

I checked the time, 6:48, just enough time to get from here to the pizzeria. When I looked up from my phone, we were already speeding down the road. I could see John was stressed, as his brow was furrowed and his leg was bouncing. I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort and he seemed to calm down, the bouncing of his leg slowed, and he smiled lightly. 

We arrived at the pizzeria quite fast, and John pulled up in the car park. We both got out and went inside. Play-fighting the whole time. ''So, are you nervous?'' He asked me, as we walked through the front doors. ''A little, but the people who work here seem quite nice, so I should be fine.'' I replied, running my hand through my hair. John grabbed my wrist as I did this, and I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. ''Don't do that, your hair looks nice enough already.'' He said, and I smiled. ''Thanks, you just cleared out a whole world of doubt for me.'' We both giggled, but then I felt him tap me on the shoulder and he shouted at me as he ran away. ''Tag! You're it!!'' I felt my face frown, and I heard him giggling. ''Really, John?! I'm literally here to work, not play tag with you!!' I shouted, but I couldn't resist. I chased after him around the main area, trying to tag him but only getting near misses. 

''Ha! You'll never get me, slowpoke!!'' He shouted to me, which only made me more determined to catch him. I darted at him, and I was just within arm's reach of him, when I felt something wrap around my waist and hoist me off the ground. I squealed and turned to look at who was lifting me up, and once again, my eyes met with William. He had his arm wrapped around my waist tightly, and he was smirking at me.

I felt my face become the same shade of red as yesterday, but this time it wasn't only with embarrassment, I was a little angry too. ''William? What are you doing, put me down!'' I told him, but he just chuckled and tapped my nose with the tip of his finger. ''Now, now, Y/n. Calm down, and that's Mr.Afton to you now that you're in work!'' He said, teasing me. I can't believe him, doing this to me on my first day.

''Well then, Mr.Afton, if you wouldn't mind putting me down? I have to find Henry to figure out what I'm doing today.'' I asked him, crossing my arms and huffing. He chucked me up slightly and adjusted his grip around my waist. It made me squeak slightly, and he noticed it. ''What's wrong, doll? Did I make you squeal?'' William asked, and I covered my face with my hands, he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and he enjoyed it. He chuckled and started walking out of the main area. ''Where are we going?'' I said, removing my handsf rom my face, and I saw him heading towards his office. ''Hey! What are you doing, we left John in the main area! Can I go back and get him?'' I asked William, but he just ignored me and continued walking towards his office. He opened the door and set me down on a large leather sofa in the corner of the room and closed the door behind him. 

''So you were looking for Henry, correct?'' William asked, walking over to me and sitting down on the sofa next to me. I turned to face him. ''Yes, but what are we doing in your office?'' I questioned him, and he smiles at me. It was a creepy smile, almost psychotic. ''Oh, dear. You won't be needing Henry for the job you're doing, you can confirm it with him after, of course, but he won't be needed.'' He explained, and I became very confused.

''I won't need him? But he's my boss, of course I'll need him!'' I said, growing more and more confused by the second. William chuckled and rested his head on my shoulder. I don't know why, but I liked it, I didn't say it of course, but I think he knew. ''No, you won't need him, because you're going to be my personal assistant!'' He cheered, placing his hand on my knee. I looked at him with a shocked face and he just smiled at me.

''It's great, isn't it darling! We get to spend all day together!'' William exclaimed, and I just sighed. ''What's the matter, princess? Don't you want to spend all day with me?'' He pouted, wobbling his lip. ''No, I don't.'' I replied, crossing my arms. He chuckled and smiled at me. ''I knew you'd be just as pleased as I am!'' He shouted, wrapping his arms around me, squeezing me tight. I rolled my eyes and pried him off me. He stayed sitting on the sofa, giggling to himself while I walked over to the door. 

I looked back at him before I closed the door, and he was grinning at me. ''Just one thing, Y/n.'' He said, crossing his legs and placing his hand on his chin. I poked my head back in the door to listen to what he had to say. ''What's that then?'' I asked, curious as to what he wanted. He chuckled. ''No matter what you do... 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆, 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈~'' He stated, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as my face turned a crimson red colour. I slammed the door shut and held my face in my hands. God, why was he so hot, not I have to spend all day with him.

[𝟷𝟺𝟻𝟻 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚣𝚣𝚣]

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