𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟒

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I stood outside of William's office for a little while, my hand on my forehead. I really hoped he was lying about me being his assistant, there was no way I would be able to survive the whole day with him, it was calling for trouble. Yes, I liked him, but he gave off a weird vibe.

After a while of standing there, I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I figured it was John, but it was Henry. ''Hey Y/n,  I was just wondering if you could do a favour for me?'' Henry asked me, and I lifted my head to look at him and removed my hand from my forehead. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. ''Sure, Mr.Emily, what do you need?'' I questioned him, genuinely curious about what he was going to say.

''Well, I need you to help me investigate something going on in the pizzeria. It's really important and I think you're the only person who can help me.'' He explained, and I felt my stomach churn, what could it be?

''What is it?'' I asked him, and his face suddenly turned serious. ''I think it's better if you come into my office to speak about it, it's not the kind of information you want floating about the place.'' He said, and I could tell he was dead serious, so I followed him into his office. 

When we got inside, I looked around the room and it was actually really pretty. There were posters up on the wall, certificates, awards, and pictures of family all over the place. I wanted to compliment him on the small room, but I knew this wasn't the time.

He sat down on his office chair and beckoned for me to stand next to him. I walked over and he grabbed paperwork out of his desk. ''Paperwork?'' I said, and he nodded. ''But not just normal paperwork, lawsuit files. The pizzeria has been dealing with them for a while now, but they're starting to get out of hand.'' He explained, I failed to see how this involved me, but Henry was nice so I was polite about it. ''Just asking, Mr.Emily, how does this have anything to do with me?'' I said, and he turned on his chair to look at me with a serious expression on his face. ''Well, the lawsuits are on missing children's reports, and I have my suspicions on who did it. But they seem to have taken a liking to you especially, so I need you to get close with them and try to see if they did it.'' Henry told me. 

''Ok, so who is your suspect?'' I asked him, even though I had my suspicions too, I didn't want to believe them. ''Well, I believe it was-'' Henry stopped talking, and his eyes darted to the door, and they widened. I looked over to see what he was looking at, and my expression matched his. What could be so shocking? I hear you ask. Well, it turns out the very person we were discussing was standing at the door, and we had no idea how long he had been there or if he had heard us. When I looked over, my eyes met with William's cold, icy blue stare. He was looking through the small glass window on the door, and he looked mad.

''Shit.'' Henry whispered, as he got up to open the door. He faked a smile and laughed nervously, letting William in. I waved at him as he entered. He entered the room, and Henry greeted him. ''Hello, William! What can I do for you, my friend?'' He asked, trying to give his partner a fist bump like they usually did when they met. But, instead of fist bumping him back, William just walked over to me, I was still standing behind Henry's desk, and when I opened my eyes from waving at him, I felt a presence in front of me. I looked up to see William standing over me, looking down at me.

''Hey, Mr.Afton!'' I exclaimed, trying to play it cool. But, he didn't respond to me, he just grabbed me by my hips and slung me over his shoulder. I squealed, and I could hear Henry in the background. ''William, what are you doing with Y/n?'' He asked, his voice shaking slightly. William turned around to look at Henry, and he plastered a grin on his face. ''Well, Henry, am I not allowed to come and collect my assistant? I need her for a minute and someone was keeping her occupied.'' He said, chuckling at the end. ''Oh, she's your assistant? You never told me about this!'' Henry exclaimed. ''Why do I need to tell you? She's my employee too, you know? That means I get to boss her around as well.'' He said, this made me go red in the face.

William chuckled and walked out of the room, leaving Henry standing aimlessly in the middle, he was probably wondering what was going on. We left and went to William's office. He placed me down onto the same sofa as before, but this time, he locked the door behind him, and closed the little curtain over the glass part of the door. He then came and sat next to me. ''What was all that about, William!!'' I shouted, but this just made him place one of his hands over my mouth, and he spoke to me softly. ''Y/n, I don't like you being in a room alone with Henry, I forbid you to ever do it again.'' He ordered me, a stern look in his eyes and a raspy tone to his voice.

I placed my hands over his hand that was covering my mouth, and slowly lifted it off my mouth. Surprisingly, his hands were very soft compared to what I had thought they would be like. ''Are you, jealous?'' I asked him, a smirk appearing on my face. I saw his face turn a light shade of pink, and he looked away. ''No, Y/n. I am not jealous, I do not need to be.'' He said, sternly. I raised one eyebrow. ''Really, cause that's what it seems lik-'' I started to speak, but he cut me off, putting me in a headlock and pushing something cold to my neck.

''What are you doing William?'' I asked, as he pulled me onto his lap, his arm still wrapped around my neck. I looked over to my right, and saw what I could feel being pressed against my neck. I felt my blood run cold, and I began to shake subtly in fear. I could hear William breathing down my neck, his breaths were slow and calm, how could he be calm in this situation! It was at this moment that I realised he was the one who made those kids disappear. 

''Oh god, did you, did you kill those kids?'' I asked him, my voice trembling. I stared straight into his eyes, a wave of panic flushing through my body. I started to tremble in his arms. William chuckled and held me tighter, but he removed the blade from my neck and cradled me like a baby. He held me tight and stared deep into my eyes.

''So what if I did? The little bastards deserved it anyway, besides, no one will believe you if you tell them.'' He explained, smirking the whole time. I tried to wriggle out of his arms but he was too strong. ''Sweetheart, you really think you'll be able to go anywhere? I can't let you out of my sight now you know the truth...'' He said, and my eyes grew wide. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes, and I cried into his chest. He pulled me close.

''Shhh, shhh. There, there Y/n. Everything will be alright soon.'' William cooed, stroking my hair. He lifted my chin up with his index finger and he kissed me on the cheek. I felt myself become bright red, but not for long, as I felt him press a rag over my face. I tried to break free from his grasp but it was no use. My limbs went numb and everything went black.

[𝚢𝚊𝚢𝚢 𝟷𝟹𝟼𝟼 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜𝚜𝚜]

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