𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐

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I followed John inside the building, and it was even worse once we got inside. Kids were running manic all over the place, pizza half hanging out of their mouths, music was blaring through speakers and it smelled of sweat and grease. ''God, John, out of all the places to sign me up for, why here?'' I asked, catching up with him and walking next to him. He simply chuckled and led me into the main area, we found a table and sat down. ''Well, because you're so antisocial! You need a lively atmosphere like this to pour some excitement into your life!'' He exclaimed, but no one else but me could hear him because of the music.

''John, I would've rather you sign me up to skydive than this.'' I said, smiling sarcastically at him. He laughed and rolled his eyes. We sat and chatted for a while, and I started to adjust to the environment, I didn't like it, I was just getting used to it. Honestly, I was really glad he didn't sign me up for a skydiving class, I would've cried even more than when he told me he had signed me up to this. ''John, how much longer until this stupid interview, I'm getting bored!'' I asked, groaning. John checked his watch and his eyes widened. ''Oh shit.'' He said, quietly. My stomach turned and I looked up at him. ''What's the oh shit for, John? Everything alright?'' I asked him.

He looked at me, a look of panic stricken on his face. ''We missed the interview.'' He said, starting to panic, he was such a baby. ''Oh, don't get so worked up about it, we can just go and ask someone where we go for it. It's not that big a deal, you know.'' I comforted him, trying to calm him down. After about 5 minutes of me trying to convince him everything would be fine, he finally got up and we went to ask someone who we needed to talk to.

We walked up to the front counter, and a young man who looked about 25 was sitting at the desk with his head in his phone. John looked at me with a grimaced look on his face, and I returned the expression. He tapped the young lad on the shoulder, and the poor boy looked terrified when he saw me and John standing over him. ''Oh, is this a robbery? All the valuable stuff's in the back, I'll get it for yo-'' He started to panic, but John stopped him. ''You silly boy, we're not here to rob you! My good friend Y/n here has an interview here, and we were just looking as to where we can find a certain Henry Emily?'' John asked him, and the boy's face slowly softened.

''Ah, you're looking for Mr.Emily? He's really nice, I'm sure you'll love him. Right this way sir, madam.'' He responded, leading us to a long hallway with 2 doors on either side. The one on the left was a deep purple, and had a gold plaque on the front that read 'William.A - Co-Owner' I figured that was Mr.Emily's business partner, but that was none of my beeswax. On the right, there was a matching green door, but the plaque on this one said 'Henry Emily - Owner' I figured this was the guy we were looking for. The young worker knocked on the door and a voice from inside said: ''Come in!''

Me and John followed him into the room, and we saw a jolly-looking, blonde, middle aged man sitting at a desk filing some paperwork. ''Uh, Mr.Emily? These people are here to see you, something about a job interview?'' He said, still standing in the doorway. ''Oh, so you two must be John and Y/n! Welcome! Thank you Scott, you can leave now.'' Mr.Emily said cheerfully, as he waved Scott off, Scott left and it was just the three of us left in the room. 

'Sorry for our late arrival, Mr.Emily, we got a bit carried away eating pizza in the main area.'' John explained, and he chuckled a bit. ''Oh, nonsense, that's what pizzerias are for anyway! I will be sure to send your compliments to my business partner William, he does all the cooking around here.'' He said, as he placed the paperwork he was tending to on the side of his desk. ''Yes, please do, it was delicious!'' I chimed in, licking my lips. Mr,Emily chuckled. ''So, which one of you was here for the interview then?'' He asked, crossing his arms. ''Oh, that would be me. Seeing as SOMEONE thinks it's ok to sign people up for things they didn't agree to.'' I said, poking John on the arm. John frowned at me and punched me in my arm, I returned the punch. ''Well, you two do seem quite the lively duo, eh? So, you're here for the job Y/n, correct?'' Mr.Emily asked. Yes, I am, I responded, throwing a hateful look John's way. He returned my look with a smile.

''Well, we are extremely short on employees, so I say you're hired!'' He exclaimed, and both John and I looked at each other in shock. ''So, there's no interview or anything, I'm Just hired?'' I asked, making sure he wasn't joking. ''Of course, you seem like a nice girl, I don't need to interview you, you're perfect for the job already!'' He said, and I shook his hand. ''Well, thanks a bunch, Mr.Emily!'' I thanked him, and he smiled a warm grin at me. ''No worries, so when can you start?'' He asked, and I replied swiftly. 

''Well, tomorrow would be good, might I ask what job I would be doing?'' I questioned him, and he sat back in his seat and adjusted his glasses. ''You would just be doing some jobs here and there, cleaning up after the kids and closing and opening the place with the others.'' He said, it seemed easy enough, so we agreed that tomorrow would be a good time for me to start. ''Well, see you tomorrow at 6:00am Y/n! We'll be very excitedly awaiting your arrival!!'' He cheered, as me and John left his office, we waved to him and continued walking down the hallway.

''So, you actually have a job now, huh? You can't be a lazy arse all day now!'' John exclaimed, and I kicked him in the shin. ''I wasn't even that lazy before!'' I said, pretending to be heartbroken. John rolled his eyes and we continued to walk down the hallway. I yawned and closed my eyes, but I felt myself crash into something really hard and tall,  and I fell to the ground. I could hear John giggling in the background. I opened my eyes to ridicule him, but instead was met with the cold gaze of a tall, brown haired, blue eyed [quite handsome] man standing above me. I lifted my head to meet him and stumbled on my words. ''Uh, sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!'' I apologised, and to my suprise, the man offered his hand to me. I took it and he helped me up. ''Are you alright, doll? You took quite the fall there.'' He asked me, and I felt a light blush creep across my face.

''Yes, I'm alright, thanks.'' I replied, trying not to turn completely red with embarrassment. ''Good, but may I ask, did you just get a job here? I could've sworn I saw you come out of Henry's office over there?'' He asked me, in an incredibly deep, incredibly hot british voice. ''Oh, yes. I start here tomorrow, and he said to call him Mr.Emily, not Henry.'' I corrected him, and the man just laughed. He looked down at me with a grin on his face, which was not helping my blushing problem. ''Well, there's no need to call him Mr.Emily when I'm his business partner, is there sweetheart?'' He replied, and I figured this must've been whoever the hell William.A was.

''Wait, so you're that William.A guy who's name is on that door over there?'' I said, pointing to the deep purple door on my left. William laughed and stroked my hair. ''Yes, that would be me. See you tomorrow then, Y/n~'' William said, as he walked off. I felt myself become a deep shade of red and I covered my face with my hands. John walked over to me, and grabbed my shoulders and started interrogating me. 'Who was that? Is it your secret boyfriend? Why did he call you sweetheart? Y/n answer me!!'' He said, and I finally removed my hands from my face. ''From what I assume, that was the co-owner of this place, you know the guy who's name was on the purple door down there, next to Mr.Emily's?'' I said, and John laughed. ''AHAHAHAHAH!! One of your bosses just flirted with youu!!!'' He cooed, and I shoved him away. ''Oh, shut up! Let's just go back home, I've had enough of this place today, and I've got to come back tomorrow!'' I whispered angrily, pushing him out the doors. 

As we drove home, I was still flustered with that encounter with William, but one thought wouldn't escape my mind. How did he know my name?

[𝟷𝟻𝟺𝟹 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜!!!]

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