- Chapter 2: Ha, That was a Bad Idea -

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Nate trudged through the unpaved side of the canyon, his arms swatting away the leaves that got in his way. The weight on his bag from all the weapons – I mean, supplies they carried had gotten the best of him, and even with his strong physique; it was taking its toll.

Will was right behind him, breaking no sweat as his face remained as unsociable as ever. He glared at Nate angrily, "for an assassin who's been through multiple jobs, I never knew you could get any dumber."

"Shut up," Nate retorted frustratedly. He let out a grunt as he shifted the large bag on his back, "how was I supposed to know the car's brake would stop working?"

"And how did you forget to fill the brake fluid when I told you to do so three times yesterday?" Will deadpanned, a hint of his livid tone hidden beneath his voice. He sighed, "point is, we – "

He halted mid-sentence, head turning as he looked around with caution. He glanced at Nate, seeing the same expression on his face. They had both heard it at the same time. Voices. People.

Nate unsheathed the knife by his side, placing his back by the trunk of the tree as he peeked around the corner. Will pulled out his gun from his bag, clicking the safety off as he placed his finger near the trigger.

Nate's gaze scanned the area. The noises seemed to have come from the side of the dense canyon: a clearing made of a dirt road; and on that dirt road were people. As he spied from behind the trunk, he could confirm they were two girls, if his sight laid true.

He sent Will a look, seeing he had also seen the two as well.

Will mouthed a few words out, saying either, "if they start heading here, say you're lost," or, "if they're drunk like a bear, get lost."


The first was the most possible.

Aubrey ran her fingers through her orange waves, shaking her palm against her scalp as the hair came cascading down her back. Her smile stood warm against her green eyes, and the sunset behind her gave her silhouette a beautiful glow.

Olivia snickered, "your parents think there's a serial killer here?" She questioned, letting out a silly laugh.

Nate and Will exchanged worried glances.

Aubrey shrugged, gripping her bottle as she twisted the top open. She poured the flowing water into her mouth, enjoying the cool sensation that filled her up. With her mouth filled with liquid, she nodded, gulping down. "Yeah, they do," she licked her lips, smacking them as she cleared them of water. "Odd to think I can't defend myself from a random guy."

Olivia let out a laugh, "seriously, do they even know who you are?" She questioned rhetorically, "you're the best fighter in the world!" She exaggerated, taking the towel draped around her neck as she wiped the sweat off her face.

She smiled, "see? The canyon wasn't that bad," she grinned childishly, her body covering the glow of the sunset, making her shine against it instead.

Aubrey rolled her eyes, "I guess ... it wasn't."

"I was right!" They both laughed happily, as if there hadn't been any worry in the world.

Nate twisted his expression. It was annoying. Everything about the two of them were annoying. So, so, so – frustrating.

Why couldn't he live like that? No care in the world, just talking happily with friends? Why couldn't he live like that?

He glanced at Will, seeing him give him a: "don't lunge at them," look. His jaw was tense, but he remained still. He had to restrain himself, he had to. He couldn't repeat the same mistake he had made. Not again.

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