Chapter 3 - Meeting My New Roomie

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Oh God, what now? I thought as The Sisters chattered away to each other. Isn't this enough for one day? I mean, I came to Reality Zero, I met The Origin and I signed  a legally binding contract. I think that's enough excitement for now.

"I know!" The Imagined suddenly exclaimed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and jump in surprise. "You can bunk with Jones!"

"Jones...?" I repeated.

"Yeah, Jones! I'm sure he wouldn't mind a roommate!"

"Well? Whaddya say, Lokisoun?" The Order asked, glancing at me. I pretended to think for a while, although I already knew the answer.

"Sure, why not?" I replied with a casual shrug, even though on the inside I was super elated, and The Sisters high-fived.

"Awesome!" The Imagined said. "Let's go see if he's on board with it."

Here we go again, I sighed internally as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me away. This must've been her favourite hobby or something, cuz she did it a whole lot. As she dragged me along, she and The Order chatted away to each other about something I didn't particularly care about as I was gaping at the sky once more, still amazed by the views. You could faintly see the twinkle of the stars in the bright blue sky. Eventually, we stopped, with The Imagined rapidly dropping my arm, causing me to stumble.

"Okay, we're here! Y'know Brook, we really aught to show you around here so I don't have to drag you around," The Imagined said.

"Yes please, I don't want you to pull out any more limbs from their sockets," I mumbled under my breath and The Order snickered.

"What was that?"

"Hmm, what? No, nothing."

The Imagined eyed me with a look of suspicion, but thankfully shrugged and turned away. We stood around for a moment, an awkward aura around us.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" the red-head finally exclaimed. "C'mon, let's go in, dammit!"

I nervously pushed the door open to see a long corridor, with doors, doors, and more doors on each of its walls. It looked like something straight out of the Backrooms.

"Now, where was Jones's room again?"

"Last one on the left," The Order replied in her usual cool tone.

"Ah, yes."

The Imagined grabbed me by my school bag's straps (oh Lord, I knew what was coming next), but before she could drag me like an empty potato sack, I gently prised her fingers off. "Imagined, I think I can walk down a corridor by myself," I murmured and her sister snorted.

"Fine," The Imagined huffed, crossing her arms and gesturing for me to go down the hall. "Go then."

I faffed around for a bit, shifting from foot to foot. "I'm a bit nervous..."

The Imagined rolled her eyes and hooked her arm into mine. "See, this is why you need me," she informed me with a wide smile on her face. I sighed and trawled myself along with her to the very last door.

"Should you knock or will I?" she whispered to me. I poked her in reply, my cheeks warm. She chuckled lightly and knocked on the door with a gentle rat-tat-tat-tat. The door swung open to reveal a young-looking blonde male, with a funnily cropped haircut and deep blue ocean eyes, full of liveliness and joy. Those eyes of his quickly flitted over me, then focused on mine.

"Jonesy, hey!" The Imagined exclaimed, causing him to divert his attention to her. "I just wanted to introduce you to your new roommate!"

"New...roommate?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

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