Chapter 2 - Reality Zero (finally)!!!

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Once the overall feeling of my guts going to puke themselves out subsided, I managed to get up off the ground, rubbing my arms.

"Sorry I didn't tell you nausea is common the first time you rift," The Imagined mumbled sheepishly, scratching her cheek.

"'S all right," I muttered, grabbing my stomach. Just gotta calm down..."

"Shit, someone's coming here. Brooklyn, get behind us," The Order commanded.

"And whatever you do, don't speak, okay?" The Imagined added.

"Sure, but why-"

"No time, I'll explain later!"

I shuffled behind them, wondering what the hell was going on and why. The Imagined nudged her sister and their postures suddenly straightened.

"Alright, what did you do now?" someone sighed in a very familiar voice.

"Okay, so, I was just rummaging through the old Reality files- - I know, I know, 'Imagined how could you do that, you're so irresponsible', blah blah blah. Look hear me out, okay? I was scrummaging through these files, when I saw one on a very informed individual from a far away reality. Order?"

Her sister nodded and cleared her throat before speaking. "May I present to you, our newest looper/office worker..."

Wait, that was their plan for me?, I thought.

The Sisters spread apart, doing some lame jazz hands thingy to reveal before me...

The Origin?!

Holy shit, this really is The Origin before you! I thought. Okay, just calm down, and play it cool.

I did not play it cool. least I don't think I did.

As I stood there, nervously tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, I was aware of somebody thoroughly looking me up and down. I peeped up to where I hypothetically thought The Origin's eyes were, and after a few seconds, blushed, feeling him staring at my face. Goddamn that stupid ass visor! If only I knew where he was looking...

"Brooklyn Lokisoun!" The Sisters exclaimed after what felt like eternity.

"What?" The Origin said, the sensation of his eyes on me thankfully disappearing.

"She's called Brooklyn Lokisoun."

He was looking at me again, so I waved awkwardly and probably had this stupid smile on my lips.

"Nice to meet you, Lokisoun," he said, offering me his hand to shake. I did so, and found that the flames on his hands didn't burn my skin, but just had a pleasant tingle to them. His grip was rather strong though, but in a nice way, and was it just me, or did he stroke my hand a little as well? I opened my mouth to probably blurt out something dumb, when The Imagined gave me the most murderous stink eye I've ever seen in my life. I dropped my hand from The Origin's and subconsciously rubbed it a little. I felt a tiny smile on my face, but decided to leave it, because, well, my mind was preoccupied with other thoughts.

"Anyway, uh, we're gonna go see if we can find Lokisoun a job," The Imagined said, shoving me away. "Okay, byeeee!"

After she pushed me for about five minutes, she stopped and frowned at me. "Goddammit, you're heavy!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, buddy," I grumbled in return. That comment definitely did not help give me a positive body image.

"Oh sorry, did I offend you?"

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