Chapter 5 - Meeting the self-proclaimed Master Comedian

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The song above is one of my favourites, by Audioslave. Brook also plays it later in the chapter, so if you want true immersion, I recommend you turn it on!


Brooklyn's POV

I awoke the next morning and groaned. Every single bone and muscles in my entire body was screaming at me in pain. I slowly, painstakingly opened my eyes and blearily gaped up at the roof.

"You up?" somebody asked and a blurry figure popped up in front of me. I groaned louder in reply and it grinned. 

"You're gonna be groggy for a while," it said. "You want a coffee or something?"

I nodded and winced at the pain in my neck. For the next few minutes, I just lay on my back completely still, trying to ignore the throbbing running through my veins. The figure, who I faintly remembered was Jonesy, helped me sit up and handed my a cup of latte. I sipped it tenderly and Jones stared at me from across the room, fiddling with his thumbs.

"What?" I croaked, looking at him from the side of my eye.

"Nothing, nothing. Just...thinking about what happened last night," he replied, smiling slightly.

"What? What happened?? Did I do something stupid???"

He laughed. "No no, you slept like an angel all night, don't worry."

"Then what happened?"

"The Origin just came to check up on you," he said with a shrug. "No big deal."

I spat out my coffee in surprise and stared at him in shock. "HE WHAT?!?!?!?"

"As I said, no big deal."


Jones casually sipped his own coffee and smirked. "You're blushing."

"Whu-? What does that have to do with anything???"

"Why are you getting so flustered about this anyway?"

I bit my bottom lip and glared at him. "It's just...The Seven seem so godly to me. So I don't understand why one would be worried about me."

He nodded. "That might be your excuse for now, but I can feel there's something more. Your true feelings. You won't tell me yet, but I'm not the kinda guy to pressure people to tell me things. So take your time."

I sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"Although I will find out eventually."

He grinned at me and I rolled my eyes, but returned his smile with one of my own. I looked down at my sheets, sticky with spilled and spat out coffee, then sighed. I dragged myself out of bed, placed my cup on the windowsill and picked up the sheets.

"Anywhere I can wash this?"

"I'll take care of that, don't worry."


I stretched out, completely ignoring the intense pain I felt in that moment. "So...any plans for today?"

"I'm thinking you just stay here and relax," Jones said, folding up my sheets. "Recuperate, y'know."

"I feel fine."

He tutted. "You're not in the best shape right now."

"I'm fine," I insisted and he groaned.

"Jeezus, you're so stubborn!"

We glared at each other for some time until my stomach let out the loudest god forbidden noise ever. We burst into laughter, keeling over at the fit of giggles overcoming us.

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