Chapter 1 - I Was Taken By Two Members of The Seven!

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It was a day like any other in fourth year. I was at my locker, gathering my things, when the fire alarm began to ring. It was a shrill desperate noise, telling me to hurry the fuck up and move, unless I wanted to get charred to a crisp. I hoisted my bag up onto my shoulders with a sigh and began walking over to the assembly area. It was probably just a drill. Once I reached my assembly point and looked around (there was only a smatter of teachers and students left as most had left for home already), I noticed Evan, who was my best friend in high school.

"Hey Microphone Head," I said, ruffling his hair as I always had since we became friends.

"Hey Doctor Slone," he replied, gently flicking me in the forehead. I called him Microphone Head due to his short buzz cut that his mother always took him to the hairdresser's to shorten, because, according to her, "he would look ridiculous with long hair!" He called me Doctor Slone because of my yellow-rimmed circular specs, which resembled Slone's (well, I actually made him call me Doctor Slone, but we don't talk about that). We had this close friendship that we formed over 'Doors' from 'Roblox' (kinda cringe, I know), and we've been inseparable ever since. I took my place behind him and sighed again.

"You think it's a drill?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Probably. I mean, every time the alarm has gone off so far, it was either a drill or some kid set it off in Science or Chem."

"Yeah, that's fair."

We stood in silence for a few seconds, peering at the building in order to spot afire but saw nothing. "Reckon we can go home immediately after this?" I asked Evan.

"I don't know. Maybe."

I nodded and rubbed the crick of my neck. The silence was... awkward. We just really wanted to go home, I guess. Just as we were about to leave, I spotted some shady figure on top of the roof.

"Hey Evan, look!" I exclaimed, nudging him and pointing at the figure. The silhouette came closer and I strained my eyes further to see what it was. It looked...bulky. But slender at the same time. It fumbled around, searching for something and a second figure stepped up and handed it a megaphone-like object. The first figure adjusted some buttons on the megaphone, sending squeals of feedback into the air.

"Citizens of Reality 1218," it said, booming its feminine-sounding voice over the school grounds. "Do not be afraid. I am The Imagined. And this,"

She pointed at the second figure near her.

"Is my sister, The Order."

The Imagined and The Order, huh? They sounded familiar.

"We are not here to harm anyone. We are just searching for an individual who we think can help us."

They stepped closer into my range of view, sunlight glinting off of the shell of their armour. Ah, now I knew who they were. They were The Sisters, members of The Seven, from this old game I used to love, Fortnite. Seeing them hit me with a wave of nostalgia and I smiled involuntarily.

"The person we are searching for goes by the name of Brooklyn. Brooklyn Lokisoun. Uh, is Brooklyn here? If they are and you're, um, her, please put up your hand."

My hand shot straight up into the air.

"Wonderful!" The Imagined said and dropped the megaphone onto the roof. She and her sister then nimbly hopped off the roof, cat style, and walked casually towards me. They disabled their visors and the redheaded mess that was The Imagined grinned at me. "Hiya Brooklyn!" she said. "Nice to finally meet you!"

"Um, yeah, hi," I replied, flustered.

"I hope you haven't forgotten us..." The Imagined pouted and I laughed.

"How could I forget you? You're the most notorious member of The Seven to date!"

That one got a smile from The Order. "We aren't intruding into anything important, are we?" she asked.

"No no, nothing much."

"Great!" The Imagined exclaimed, grabbing my arm. "Then let's go!"

"Uh, go where, exactly?" Evan asked, and to be honest, I kinda forgot he was even there. The Order looked him up and down with her startling sapphire blue eyes and raised an eyebrow. "And who are you?" she asked.

"Guys, relax," I said chuckling nervously. "This is just my friend, Evan Wolf." The Sisters gaped at him for a moment before turning back to each other.

"Think we should take him with us?" The Imagined asked her sister.

"Wait what?"

"He knows too much now, so it would be a good idea to maintain our secrecy..." The Order murmured.

"Please, no-"

"Girls!" I yelled. "Don't take him! Evan is an honest guy, he wouldn't whisper a word about you two!"

"You sure?" The Imagined said. "I mean, how long have you known him?"

"4 years," I replied nonchalantly.

"4 yea- wow. But here's the thing. We've only known him for like, two minutes. Heck, not even!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you haven't known me for much longer, and you trust me, right?"

There was silence as The Sisters stared at me, flabbergasted.

"Touché," The Order coughed.

"See?" I beamed. "You have nothing to worry about. He won't say anything."

Evan nodded rapidly, flinging his dandruff everywhere.

"Besides, if we take Evan along with us to Reality Zero, he'd probably hate it there."

I paused.

"Are we going to Reality Zero?"

"Yeah, of course! need to know something before we that," The Imagined replied.


"When we leave for ho-Reality Zero, everybody you ever knew will forget you. Every single file on you will be erased. It will be as if you never existed. Are you sure you're fine with that?" The Order said. I turned back to Evan and raised an eyebrow. He nodded and spread out his arms. I stepped forward and he pulled me into a big hug.

"I'll miss you, Evan," I told him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll miss you too."

I let go of him and ruffled his hair one last time, with a sad smile on my face. "Goodbye, Microphone Head."

"See ya, Doctor Slone."

The Imagined put a hand on my shoulder, smiled reassuringly and raised a globe with a rift in it. "You ready?"

I nodded and took one last look at my best friend. "Let's go."

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