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THE GHOULS WERE IN THE BASEMENT. At least that's what Emeritus said. Stating that they didn't mingle to well with everybody else. Athen knew it made sense, ghouls were known to be aggressive and hostile towards others.

Athens's dirty converse tapped against the polished floor as she walked. She treaded lightly, barely making any noise. Emeritus almost thought she wasn't walking with him anymore but when he looked over he was proved wrong. She looked scared, nervous and it surprised him. Athen didn't seem like the type to cower or show nervousness so of course it surprised him.

Athen fiddled with her sleeve as they walked, looking down at her shoes occasionally running a hand through her hair.

She didn't know why she was so nervous.  She has been around ghouls before but this time felt different. A feeling she couldn't quite place. She would almost say she was scared but that wasn't quite it. Anxious maybe. She didn't know. The only thing she did know for sure was she didn't like the feeling.

The two pulled to a stop in front of a simple wooden door, a do not enter sign hung off of it. It seemed like it was more of a joke then anything but it still made the female even more uneasy.

"Ready?" The male beside her questioned, his hand moving to the doorknob. Unable to put the words together to say no, Athen nodded and picked at her palms with her nails. And before she knew it the door was open.

A gust of cold air wafted from out of the room, Emeritus shivered while Athen wasn't bothered it by it. Ghouls liked cold dark areas, it was how they were. Vampires were the same. Sure, with her ring she didn't burn in the sun but still the light wasn't something she favored neither was the heat.

The vampire swallowed and watched as Emeritus grabbed his phone from his back pocket and turned on the flashlight. It caused her to laugh quietly which ultimately made the male roll his eyes and wish could see in the dark like she could.

He didn't say anything back, just casted her a playful glance and looked back toward the dark stairs. It made Athen smile softly and watch as he began descending the stairs with heavy steps.

The female sighed and waited a second before following after him. The feeling of nervousness still very apparent in her being but she pushed it away, looking down at her feet as they made way down.

And before she knew it she was standing in front of the ghouls, unaware of the huge change that was about to happen.

THE GHOULS HEARD THE DOOR OPEN. And the flash of light that lit up the stairs was one familiar. As scents hit their noses most of them thought it was just Emeritus. But Rain smelt a entirely different one. One that smelt sweeter and darker.

Rain furrowed his brows as the sweet smell filled his senses. Emeritus smell muddled the scent but he still smelt it clearly. Roses and vanilla. And a hint of  death.  It made his chest tighten and his heart speed up. He didn't know why though. He heard her light steps follow behind the heavy ones that were ahead.

Emeritus was seen before the girl. His black hair lit up by the phone light, the white and black face paint almost invisible to the human view but visible to them. But not even a second after he was made seen, a shorter blonde haired female stepped off the stairs and stood beside him.

She was looking down at her feet, fiddling with her hands behind her back. She felt all the ghouls eyes casted on her and it made her way more nervous then she thought it would.

Rains eyes couldn't help but stay on her, he could feel her uncomfortableness but he couldn't pull them away. Yes, it felt bad that they were making her uncomfortable but he physically couldn't look away from her.

"If you would turn on the lights please"

At his words the girl looked up, taking a second before locking eyes with the male who was already staring at her.
When her eyes adjusted to the dark and locked on his, that was it. They knew.
Time seemed to still and the air turned stale. Their mouths dried and hearts sped up. All when blue met brown.

Her eyes were like the bluest ocean, deep and muddled but they were still the prettiest blue he had ever seen.

His were the perfect shade of brown, like the sweetest chocolate and hazelnut coffee. Two of her favorite things.

The sound of Aether clearing his throat, trying to make Emeritus start talking as to why she was here but it also made the two snap their heads over to him, and they tried, they really tried not to. But their eyes eventually trailed back to each other.

Minds were racing but they both had only one clear thought. The only thought they could make out from the rest.


Normally when Aether got ignored he got annoyed, but this time he didn't. He couldn't. But only because his mind was stuck on one thought. A smirk made its way onto his face as he watched the Vampire and the Ghoul stare at each other like they were the only two people in the world.

Emeritus locked back and forth between the two, envy filling his being that he tried to mask. Aether of course noticed this and while the two were stuck on each other and Emeritus stood jealous all he could see was how the three resembled his favorite tarot card.

The lovers.

The entire vampire species will be based like tvd vampires yk I don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anywho this sucks but I haven't updated this for a minute and wanted to get smth out.
Love you to pieces.

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