The Protocol

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Rain studied his reflection in the mirror. He was considered if his auburn mushroom style haircut really suited him now. Didn't it make him look too young? He was getting close to his eighteenth birthday, maybe now was the time for a change. He might will dye it back to his original black and let it grow out. He has enough self awareness to know the reason he is thinking about this has to do with meeting P'Phayu at the open house yesterday.

He is startled out of his thoughts by his phone ringing and even more started to see it was the person he'd just been thinking of.

"Hello?" He hopes his nervousness doesn't come through too much in his voice.

"Rain, I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting to discuss what we talked about yesterday? I would be happy to coach you for your entrance exam if you would like." P'Phayu said.

"Yes, please!" Rain rushed out before he could stop himself. "I, uh, mean yes I would like that very much if you have time."

There was an unmistakable chuckle from P'Phayu. "Then why don't we meet for lunch, I will text you the address. Sound ok?"

"Sounds perfect, thank you so much, P'Phayu. I will see you there. Definitely." Rain hung up feeling like P'Phayu probably thought he was the world's biggest idiot. Still the prospect of see him again so soon had Rain beyond excited. He needed to find something to wear.

Phayu hung up the phone with a smile. Rain probably didn't realize how cute he was. That was a good thing, if the boy knew his own appeal he would be an unstoppable force. Phayu hadn't been able to get Rain out of his mind since they'd met yesterday. That's why he called to suggest coaching him for the entrance exam.

They met at a small bistro where P'Phayu ordered for both of them after finding out what Rain liked.

"Let's begin by you telling me what school is like, how are your grades? What issues do you have, that sort of thing." P'Phayu said.

Rain thought carefully. "My grades aren't bad but could be better," Rain admitted. "I sometimes struggle with concentration, and I often have trouble starting projects and reports. I have ADHD and it sometimes feels like my mind is everywhere at once."

Phayu nodded and filed this information away for later. "What are your strong points?"

This took Rain a little longer to answer. "Well I do well with creative stuff. Oh and languages, I seem to have a knack for those. Besides Thai, I can speak fluent Korean, English, Japanese. I am working on Mandarin."

"Impressive." Phayu said and really meant it. Besides Thai he had a good grasp of English but that was all. "What does your study process look like? Do you study better with music or in silence? Do you always put off projects to the very last minute because you have trouble starting them?"

"Um, I think I study better with soft music, for some reason it seems to help me concentrate. Maybe because I don't get as distracted by ambient sounds. I wouldn't really say that I have a process. Yes I always seem to put projects off to the last possible minute. I don't want to, I hate feeling rushed, but it's like I can't get started if I don't have that pressure on me."

"All very helpful information, thank you. Finish eating and we can go somewhere and work on a strategy. Sound good?"

Rain nods and eats. After their meal Phayu takes Rain back to his family garage. They sit in the office to continue their discussion.

"Rain, I think I can help but there are some things you need to know. First of all I will need to take complete control over your study habits and maybe some other aspects of your life. We will be working on a reward/punishment system. Do you think you can live with that?"

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