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Rain and Sky had absolutely not run away from their boyfriends. They had not run away and they were not sulking. They had just decided to take a little break together. They had even sent texts to P'Phayu and P'Pai to let them know that they were taking a break and not to follow them.

They absolutely were not sulking. Sure Rain was not happy because he had come home to see P'Phayu sitting way too close to and laughing with some absolutely beautiful woman Rain had never seen before. He could have been more mature and talked it out with his boyfriend but he had admittedly been jealous. He didn't really believe that P'Phayu was cheating on him; it just brought to surface all those little insecurities that he sometimes felt. That little voice in his head that said  he wasn't good enough for P'Phayu. Someone like this woman suited the senior much better.

Rain isn't sure why Sky is upset with P'Pai but at least he has someone to run away......uh take a break with.

Rain had put his phone on silent and do not disturb and told Sky to do the same. Rule one of this getaway no answering phone or texts. Rule two was no talking about their boyfriends. Rule three was not to miss their boyfriends. Rule four was to have as much fun as possible in three days.

Rain is sure there will be consequences to face later, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it.

Phayu paced the lobby while waiting for Pai to come down from Sky's dorm room. He's not sure why Rain is mad at him, they had been perfectly happy two days ago, Then there had been a text yesterday that simply said Rain had decided to spend a night at home. Although a little last minute that wasn't unusual. Rain sometimes slept at home "to remind his parents that he still existed." It wasn't until this morning when he received the text that Rain and Sky were "taking a break" and to not follow them did he know something was wrong. His phone rang with Pai's number almost immediately. He had gotten the same text from Sky, almost word for word.

They had come to Sky's dorm first to make sure the boys weren't there or hadn't left anything behind. On the way Phayu had called Rain's mom to make sure Rain wasn't there or hadn't said anything. He wasn't and he hadn't but she said she would check his room and call him back if she found anything.

This wasn't like Rain at all. He could occasionally be a bit of a brat, which Phayu secretly liked, but he also knew to use his words when something upset him. They would talk it out. What had happened to make him take off and refuse to answer his phone or texts?

Pai came down the stairs looking dejected. Apparently he hadn't found anything. He was about to ask anyway when his phone rang. Rain's mom.

"Mama, did you find anything?" Phayu asked.

"Rain left a note with the contact information of a resort in Hua Hin. He also says under no circumstances to let you know where he has gone." There is a note of amusement in her voice. "What did you do, son?"

"I honestly don't know, Mama." Phayu feels a little desperate trying to remember anything.

"He didn't seem angry last night," she says thoughtfully, "If anything he was unusually quiet and seemed slightly down. Rain is stubborn and sometimes too impulsive but this really isn't like him. I will text you the address just don't be too hard on him. Take it from twenty years of marriage experience, sometimes you need to handle a situation with a little extra tenderness."

"Thank you, mama. I'm not angry, I'm worried about him." Phayu says.

"They are at a resort in Hua Hin." Phayu tells Pai.

"Hua Hin?" Pai asks, then says, "I have no idea what I did wrong. I haven't so much as looked at another person since I met Sky."

Phayu shrugged, they wouldn't get answers until they found the boys.

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