Rain's Birthday

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The next day after school Rain took the bus to the garage for the first time. He was met at the front desk by a man that looked familiar, but Rain was certain he'd never seen him before.

"Oh, nong, you are Phayu boy, Rain, right? I am his twin, Saifah." The man said.

P'Phayu's boy. Rain liked the sound of that. Rain smiled and gave him a wai. "P'Saifah, P'Phayu told me about you. You're studying engineering?"

"That's right. Rainy boy. Someone's got to take over the garage while their older twin plays with model houses." He said this with a wink to show he wasn't serious. "Phayu has a late class today, he told me to show you where you can set up to study."

P'Saifah took him upstairs to a bedroom set up over the garage office. Rain couldn't help but look around in amazement. The room was wonderful, full of model cars and oversized decorative pieces.

"Is this room what I think it is?" Rain asked still looking around.

"What do you think it is?" P'Saifah asked.

"P'Phayu's hook up pad." Rain said with admiration.

P'Saifah burst out laughing. "Oh, nong you are a treat, Phayu will have his hands full with you. It might have served that purpose a few times. Anyway it doubles as a study area, you can set up over here," he indicated a loveseat with a coffee table that would be perfect for model building and drawing. "This place has it's own bathroom and there's a small refrigerator with water and snacks that Phayu stocked for you."

"Well, I will leave you to it," P'Saifah says. "Phayu was very clear that I shouldn't disturb your studying."

Rain put his phone on the coffee table and set his first 45 minute timer. He started by pulling out his assignments notebook and reading through the notes he had jotted down on what was due and what he needed to study. He had one test to study for at the end of the week, two quick homework assignments due tomorrow, and a report due next week that he needed to outline before he started researching. By the time P'Phayu came in he was done with the two assignments and working on the outline. P'Phayu motioned for him to continue, tapping his watch as a signal to finish his current timed session. Meanwhile sat down beside Rain and took his assignment notebook and the two finished assignments to look over.

When Rain's time was up, P'Phayu handed him a bottle of water and said, "Good job, good boy." Those phrases caused another shiver to go through Rain. "The assignment notebook is clear and precise and both pieces of homework are correct. How is your outline going?"

Rain handed what he had done so far over. P'Phayu read through it and picked up a pen. "The beginning is good, but you go off topic around here," he marked through a couple lines, " you don't want to over complicate things by introducing too many ideas, just stick with your main one. Are you ready for your next session or do you need anything? Bathroom break? Snack? Be honest."

"Bathroom break please." Rain admits.

"Okay, bathroom break and then redo the outline, you should be able to finish that then start studying for your test in the next 45 minutes. One more break and one more session and then we'll go for dinner, anything the good boy wants to reward such a good job."

Rain beams at him almost bouncing with joy. P'Phayu even pulls out his own books to study with Rain, only pausing to look over and approve the redone outline.

On Wednesdays Rain has therapy and he discusses his study protocol with his therapist. He wants to talk about it, brag about it really, with someone and it wasn't exactly the type of thing that he could discuss with his parents. He is very happy with the way it's going and mainly wants to share this new positive experience with P'Lai since she has become almost family for him over the last few years.

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