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Rain loves Friday night date night. It had been a tradition since before he and P'Phayu had even been officially dating. It was a chance for both of them to relax and just enjoy each other's company.

Rain was already dressed and ready just waiting for P'Phayu to shower and dress.

"If only there was someone willing to fix my hair for me," P'Phayu called coming out of the bathroom. Rain was on his feet in an instant. P'Phayu was teasing him of course, he knows Rain loves fixing his hair, Rain is always begging to to do for him. He knows just the style he wants to try as well.

Rain sat on the end of the bed while P'Phayu sat on the floor between his legs. First Rain delighted in simply combing and running his fingers through P'Phayu's hair which is as soft as a cat's fur. He then separated 4 sections at the top of his head, carefully braiding each and pulling all back to end in P'Phayu's favorite bun style ponytail securing the whole thing with a wide hair band. Rain sat back to enjoy the effect which was, well sexy if he was being honest.

It was even sexier later that night when Rain undressed P'Phayu and asked him to leave his hair up.

"Going to the next race with P'Pai?" Rain asked Sky the next week. Sky hesitated, he always hesitated when the races were brought up. Rain knew P'Pai had been begging Sky to come watch him, and Sky seemed to want to. There was something about the races though.

For instance the first time the races were mentioned, Sky didn't seem the least bit surprised that underground illegal bike races existed or that P'Phayu, P'Pai, and now even Rain were part of that culture.

"I don't know," Sky said.

"Come on, I will take my car, that way if you want to leave before P'Phayu and P'Pai are done we can. I do that sometimes anyway since the races are so late." Rain begs.

Sky sighs, "I guess."

Rain parks outside and they walk to the entrance, he could have driven in, he has permission but if they need to leave early it's just easier to park in the outside area. Rain greets the guards at the entrance by name and asks after their families much to Sky's amazement.

"You really do come here a lot." Sky tells him.

Rain nods, "I enjoy seeing P'Phayu work because he loves it so much. I don't care all that much for the races although P'Pai is something to see on a bike, you'll love it."

P'Pai finds them right inside the gate, he grabs Sky from behind and wraps both arms around him, startling Sky. He immediately realizes it's P'Pai though and relaxes into his arms.

"My Sky, how did you get here?" P'Pai asks.

"I came with Rain, I thought I would surprise you." Sky tells him.

P'Phayu joins them putting an arm across Rain's shoulder, "It's time for your next race, Pai."

P'Pai actually looks torn between staying with Sky and racing.

"Go." P'Phayu tells him, "we'll watch out for Sky."

P'Phayu is called over to the mechanics tent by a worker who sees an issue with one of the bikes a racer has just returned so Rain tells him that he will take Sky over to see P'Pai race.

"Keep you phone on you," P'Phayu tells him. "Just in case there is trouble."

At the mention of phone, Sky starts patting his pockets. "Rain, give me your keys, I think I left my phone in your car, I will just go get it real fast, wait here."

Rain frowns after him, there really are a few assholes at the races, Rain has been harassed a couple times and Sky probably wouldn't know to call a guard over if there were trouble. He decides to follow Sky to make sure everything is okay.

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