The voice of your Lullaby

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Levi would be lying if he said he doesn't like Eren's voice when he sings. Because he falls over and over again with the boy when it happens; whether the boy is just humming some tone or singing a song on the radio.

He never expects the boy to sing for him, though. Because he would randomly or unconciously do it. But never directly do it for a person.

But now, the boy offered to sing for him. And just that could makes him smile. And how did it end up like this?
Long story short, Insomnia leads to this.
And he wouldn't say no to the opportunity.

As Eren got to his sitting position after fetching his guitar, while Levi positioned himself nested to the side on their bed, closing his eyes and listening for the younger one to start.

A short silence filled the room for a moment. He could hear his younger lover breathing, preparing. As he waits patiently for him to start, wondering which song did he pick.

The strum of his lover's guitar filled the silence.

"I fell in love next to you
Burning fires in this room,

It just fits
Light and smooth..

Like my feet in my shoes."

He arched his eyebrows in surprise of the younger's choice of song. But didn't open his eyes.

"Little one,"

at those exact words Levi could hear the brunette smilling at it, So he gently nudged their feet as a warning.

".. lie with me.
Sew your heart to my sleeve..

We'll stay quiet,
Underneath shooting stars,
If it helps you sleep."

Eren's voice was soothing, making him relaxed more than chocolate pudding.

"And hold me tight
Don't let me breathe,

Feeling like
You won't believe."

"There's a firefly
Loose tonight,

Better catch it,
Before it burns this place down.

And I lie
If I don't feel so right,

But the world looks better
Through your eyes."

The only thought that came passed his mind was,

Hmm.. Cheesy..

But the words made him blush a little when Eren's the one singing it.

"Teach my skin
Those new tricks,"

He smirked at the lyrics, and he couldn't help himself to interpret it a bit 'wrong'.

"Warm me up,
With your lips.

Heart to heart,
Melt me down.

It's too cold,
In this town.

Close your eyes,
Lean on me,

Face to mouth,
Lips to cheek.

Feeling numb,
In my feet,

You're the one,
To help me get to sleep."

At this point, He couldn't help himself drifting to sleep on his lover's lull.

And when the brunette got to the repeating part again, He felt something a bit heavy on his shoulder. And when he turned his head, He found the raven's head on his shoulders. His eyes were closed and his breathing was soft and steady.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight. He put his guitar at the space between his the bed and his bed-side table.

He sliped one of his to Levi's back softly and help the shorter one tuck in to sleep.
He kissed his lover's forehead and whispered him a goodnight. And pulled the covers to tuck himself in to sleep.

They both slept facing each other with one of their hands on topped of each other.

As they slept, they dreamed of the fireflies illuminating their path ahead with each other beside them hand-in-hand.

Ereri/Riren Week 2015Where stories live. Discover now