The Way Back, pt.2

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-Major Character Death
-Made-up demon



Zenitsu woke to the smell of eggs. He sat up and looked around. He was inside of a small cabin, where there were three beds side by side.

He was puzzled. What happened to the Butterfly Mansion? Then he remembered what happened last night.

Oh yeah. We were on our way back home when that shitty Uppermoon attacked us.

He groaned and stood up, stretching before he went to the kitchen. He found Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Nezuko talking at a small round table while Kanao made breakfast.

"Ah! Good morning, Zenitsu!" Tanjiro smiled as he greeted him.

"Good morning!" Zenitsu greeted him back. He sat beside the maroon-haired boy, yawning. "Did you all sleep well?"

"Like a baby!" Inosuke announced. Nezuko smiled and let out a "hmm!" signaling that she had.

"Eh... not too well actually," Tanjiro said sheepishly. "My mind was kinda occupied with thoughts... of the Uppermoons..."

The room fell to silence other than the sizzling of eggs and sausage in the pan as Kanao cooked.

"Do you really believe what Uppermoon 6 said?" Kanao asked. "About her not being the last... and that there would be more?"

"I'm honestly not sure," Zenitsu said, deep in thought. "She did sound kinda serious. Though I'm not sure if it was just to scare us off or not."

"Whatever the case, I'll kill any demons that dare to cross me! For I am the great Hashibira Inosuke! Bwahahahahaah!"

Zenitsu rolled his eyes and Kanao brought everyone plates of scrambled eggs and sausages.

"Eat up," she said. "You'll need the energy. We'll be walking a long way today, and who knows, we may run into another demon."

Nezuko pulled down her bamboo and began to devour the food. Inosuke gobbled it up, giving Zenitsu's food a look over until the blonde glared at him.

When they had all finished eating and Nezuko's bamboo was in her mouth again, they began to set off toward their home once more.

This time they were all much more alert, looking, hearing, feeling, and, in Tanjiro's case, smelling for any demons.

"Guys, we're almost back home!" Kanao announced happily.

This caused the entire group to let out a sigh of relief. Tanjiro laughed. "Guess Uppermoon 6 was just trying to scare us off after all!"

"Yeah," Zenitsu said. He let his ears relax as they continued walking.

The group began to talk more as they went on. The entire group had relaxed and dulled their senses.

They were nearly home. A demon wouldn't be that close, or else Genya would have killed and eaten it by now.

Then they heard a scream.

The entire group went silent as Kanao disappeared. Nezuko's eyes widened as she looked around for her girlfriend frantically.

Then they heard a laugh. A creepy one.

A male demon leaped out at them, this time trying to grab Nezuko.

But she was prepared. She reared at him and kicked a hole through his stomach.

"Agh!" The demon stumbled back, blood running from his mouth. Nezuko went at him again, kicking and abusing him repeatedly.

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