What Came Before

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"So, Tsukasa, how're we gonna rig this?" Emu asked, holding her friend's empty water bottle. She looked it over, then sat it down in the middle of her, Tsukasa, and Nene.

"I have no idea. That's why I need your guys' help."

"You're gross," Nene mumbled.

"It's okay, Nene, this is just practice. You don't actually have to go into the closet if the bottle lands on you."

"I know that. Frankly, I just feel sorry for Y/n."

"Who knows, maybe she'll enjoy it?" Emu giggled. Nene gagged while Tsukasa turned away with a red face.

"I looked on Google for ways to rig a spin the bottle game, so we can try these few things out. If nothing works, then we'll have to get creative."

"Alright, let's start then!"

Thus was the conversation that started hours of experimentation. By the time they'd found something that worked, Tsukasa's wrist was sore.

"Alright, let's test this one last time, Tsukasa!"

He hummed in determination, grabbing the bottle in the middle and waiting for Emu's command. They'd set up several pillows to simulate more people in the circle.

"I'm Y/n!"

Tsukasa span. It landed on Emu.

"Good. Now that pillow is Y/n!" She pointed to the pillow, and soon so did the bottle.

"Now the one next to Nene!"

Another spin and another land. Same with the other pillows and Nene.

"Last test. You're Y/n!"

Tsukasa span, watching nervously. The bottle slowed, then landed facing him perfectly. He jumped up from the floor, spinning happily as he cheered.

"Amazing, Tsukasa! You're gonna nail it!"

"That's great and all, but people are gonna start arriving in an hour. We should start the food, honey." Tsukasa's mom entered. The three friends jumped.

"Ah, right! Let's start that then!"

"We're here to help too!" Emu bounced while Nene merely nodded. The group marched to the kitchen to start, all the while Tsukasa had to remind himself: a feat fit for a queen. That's what he had to make. You'd be at his house in an hour after all.


Later, food was done and set out, friends arrived (along with you), and everyone was enjoying themselves. Saki and the rest of Leo/Need were ecstatic to meet most of your old Sekai. Eventually, the time that had Tsukasa shaking in anticipation finally came.

"Alright, let's play spin the bottle!" Emu clapped. Everyone that was interested sat in a circle happily, and Emu sat the water bottle from earlier in the middle, glancing slyly at Tsukasa. He watched you sit next to Yuuki, because of course you would. It warmed his heart.

"Let's start this off with the no siblings rule," Saki crossed her arms, looking at her brother in mild disgust.

"How many of us here are siblings, Saki?" Tsukasa heard your warm voice ask. It made him shift in his seat with restlessness.

"Regardless, that rule is set. Now how do we find out who goes first?" Kazuni asked. Tsukasa recalled some of the gossip you'd told him about Kazuni and Hina, and nothing about it seemed to have changed. Just like you had said, they were so close they were basically sitting on each other, arms wrapped around each other worse than a Twister game.

"How about we just guess a number?" Mizuki suggested.

"Hm, I guess that could work," Hina nodded. Everyone readied to guess whatever number Mizuki came up with. Tsukasa's mind was racing. He wanted so bad to get this right, to test one last time that he could perfectly spin the bottle to land on you.

"Alright, guess, starting with Y/n!" They exclaimed, pointing to where you sat next to them. You held your hand to your chin in thought, then made your guess.


"Ok, next?" They pointed to Yuuki. Everyone went around the circle guessing. Tsukasa guess 56 nervously. Eventually, Mizuki inhaled dramatically.

"The number was... 57! Tsukasa, you go!" They cheered, and Emu did too, knowingly.

He took a quick breath. He'd been waiting all day for this, he hoped he didn't slip up now, after he'd taken so long perfecting his technique. He span the bottle with a shakey hand, and it span past every person twice before it slowed. Tsukasa watched as it nearly landed on Yuuki, but turned just slightly enough to point to your leg.

"Ooooh, Y/n!" Yuuki cooed.

"You have fun in there," Mizuki winked.

You stood, walking to a tomato-faced Tsukasa. "Lead the way, oh mighty knight," you smiled. It was no help at staving off the red of his face. Regardless, he led you to a door and opened it for you. The closet.

Plot Twist | Tsukasa Tenma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now