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Tsukasa came to later that night, clearly confused. He opened his eyes, seeing his ceiling as he did every morning. Except it was... sunset?

When he looked off to his side and there you were, curled up and snoozing away next to him. He flinched away in surprise, and the movement was just enough to wake you. You opened your eyes and looked at him, then smiled.



"What are you..." Tsukasa couldn't tell if this was another dream, like the shameful one he'd just had. Where was the party? Was that a part of the dream too?

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He sat up, but winced when he felt the tight soreness in his shoulders and neck. "Ow... what the...?"

"Your shoulders are probably cramped from the closet," you chuckled, sitting up as well. Tsukasa nodded, then paused. How did you know about the...? Oh God, it wasn't a dream.

"Wait, that-?!" He stared at you, wide-eyed and face getting red.

"What, did you forget?"

He didn't know what to say. He stuttered out a few sentences that wouldn't go anywhere, then gave up and hid his face in his hands. You moved closer to him, running your hand down his back.

"Do you want a shoulder massage?"

"Y-you don't have to do that..."

"But if I want to?"

He sighed. "Yeah, go ahead."

A nice shoulder massage later, you were resting with Tsukasa, cuddled into each other's arms. All was well... until the storm.

A knock at the door sounded. "Y/n? Is big bro up?" Saki.

"Yeah, come in."

Tsukasa had a millisecond to freak out about how you two were cuddling before his sister burst into the room.

"'KASA ARE YOU OKA- woah, you two look cozy."

"Hmn, yeah," you sighed, pressing your face into the side of Tsukasa's. You felt his cheeks heat as he avoided his sister's eyes.

"H-hey, Saki. How're things?"

"'How're things?' You have your sister scared half to death cause you went into a closet for over 20 minutes and wound up passed out for goodness knows how long! That's how things are!"

"Sorry for scaring you," he chuckled lightly. He hoped he seemed alright. Honestly, he felt a little too... light. He was still drowsy, and he still had remnants of the feeling he had after he... well...

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it, mister. I need to know you're okay. Then, you're off the hook."

"Aha... alright."

"He's still tired, Saki," you murmured. She seemed to calm down a bit, sighing and shaking her head.

"Fine. He was only out for 15 minutes. I'll let him wake up or go back to sleep. Whatever he wants."

"Thanks, sis."

"Keep an eye on him, Y/n. And nothing we're gonna have to listen to from downstairs, alright?!"

Tsukasa froze with a noise of surprise, meanwhile you smirked. "So it's on the table as long as we're quiet?"

"Wha- Y/n!!" Both siblings shrieked at the same time, making you chuckle. You waved your hand dismissively.

"Joking, joking. Have fun until the party ends. If someone starts feeling better, we'll be down too."

"Alright, sweet dreams, big bro!"

"Thanks, sis."

Once Saki had left, her footsteps echoing down the stairs until they faded out of earshot, you chuckled at a sinister idea.

"Hm? What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing. Anyway," you ran your fingers down Tsukasa's cheek, "you ready for round two, Sweetheart?"


(Jokes, jokes, all jokes)

Plot Twist | Tsukasa Tenma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now