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"Don't worry about disappointing me, Tsukasa. You've already done better than other experiences I've had," you sighed. Now was no time to think back to that, though.

"Then just tell me what you want, okay?"

"Nuh-uh," you cooed as you pulled him closer, pressing your face into the nape of his neck. "This is about what you want, darling." He shuddered as you kissed gently up his skin.

He knew what he wanted. You. He wanted you wrapped so tightly around him he suffocated. He wanted you pleasing him so overwhelmingly much he passed out. His only regret now was not being able to find a way to take this all to his room, somewhere he could take his time and be honest with you.

Of course, he couldn't say that aloud, could he?

He didn't have to. By then, you'd picked up on what he wanted. Or at least, something similar. You pulled away from his neck, chuckling into the silence, and placing your lips back on his. You both kissed slower and softer this time. Tsukasa's fast eagerness had finally waned, and it actually felt like he existed in the moment. His pleased hums were much quieter now, only picking up slightly when your hand slid back under his shirt and ran up his stomach slowly. Your hand trailed halfway up and back down, then hooked into the waistband of his pants, making him jolt in surprise. One of his hands grabbed yours as he sighed shakily, a warning.

You pulled that hand up to your hip, then found his other and brought it along too. The next time you broke apart for air, you pulled his head into your chest and ran your fingers through his hair. As he caught his breath, you lowered into his lap, a shakey huff coming from below you. As you slowly rolled your hips, his back arched up against you.

"Y-y/n!" He gasped out. You shushed him gently with reassuring strokes of his head and continued grinding against him. His hands gripped your hips tightly, just barely tugging them along as his soft moans and hums fell into your chest. As things progressed, you barely had to move. His hands had fallen into the rhythm of pulling your hips forward and back. You gave him one quick bounce out of playfulness, and his head shot back and bumped against the wall with a nearly full-volume moan. He winced and pulled your hips closer to his.

"D-don't do that..."

He soon indulged in your lips again, chasing your taste desperately. His hands had started speeding up, and with everything he did, it still felt like he couldn't get close enough to you. You could tell it was getting to be a lot for him, if his noises were anything to go by. He was getting quicker and more desperate. He was getting close.

You started whispering about how well he was doing every time his lips left yours, and it only made his humming louder and shakier. His hands started to pull you fast enough even you found it hard to breath. Such little stimulation was still stimulation, and you had to admit, it was feeling more than just nice.

As his climax neared, he pulled away from your lips and leaned back onto the wall behind him. You followed, peppering the rest of his face with gentle kisses. He tugged at your hips roughly for only a few more moments, until he covered his mouth his one of his hands and held his breath to keep from the sounds that would've been all too loud. His hips bucked up against you as he finished.

When his face started to get red(er) from holding his breath, he exhaled, quick whines sounding from behind his hand. When the better part of his orgasm was over, he let his hand leave his face, catching his breath. Everything was blurry, he felt tired.

You whispered praises to him and continued playing with his hair as he felt himself falling, until he was asleep under you. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and stood up, stretching your cramped legs. It took a lot of care to step around Tsukasa's legs, but you were able to without hurting him.

Within just moments, footsteps neared outside. Your heart leapt in your chest.

"Yo, lovebirds, you done in there yet?" It was Kazuni. You sighed in relief. The door opened, and your friend leaned on the doorframe, along with Hina standing behind her. "You two boopin' in here or what? Other people want the closet, y'know."

You motioned for her to keep quiet, knowing Saki was in the other room. The two looked at Tsukasa, out cold, then eyes trailed down to the wet spot that had formed on his pants. Kazuni's expression changed to a smug one, and even Hina's commonly stoic face was smirking.

"My, my, Y/n, you're a mean one. Didn't even let him undress," Kazuni whispered. You felt your face heat and looked away.

"Can you guys just help me take him to his room?"

"Sure. I take it you don't want ol' Saki seein', hm?"

You nodded vigorously as Hina leaned down and slid her arms under Tsukasa's shoulders, lifting his upper half.

"Or Emu and Nene, for that matter," you chuckled nervously. With a quiet countdown to herself, Hina hoisted Tsukasa up into her arms.

"Heavy," she struggled. Kazuni laughed behind her hand.

"'Cause he's a dude, duh."

"That's sexist."

The two continued their petty argument as Hina carried Tsukasa to his room. As they passed the others, Hina was sure to hide him away in her arms.

"What happened?!" Saki jumped up in concern. Kazuni waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh, just passed out from fanboying too much," she laughed knowingly. You walked in bashfully.

"I expected he would," Nene sighed.

"Me too, but I would've expected it to happen at the beginning. Did he just pass out a moment ago or something?"

You didn't know what to say to that. How many of them would actually believe it if you agreed? You thought quickly, coming to a mismatched excuse.

"N-no, I was just waiting to see if he'd wake back up, hehe."

"But you only had to be in there for 7 minutes," Saki tilted her head. "And weren't you even a little concerned?"

"Calm down, Saki, he's gonna be okay," Ichika patted her friend on the shoulder. "Why don't we play a different game?"

Saki sighed, glanced at her brother, then sat back down. "Alright. Come back soon, guys."

You sent her a wave and followed Hina and Kazuni upstairs.

Plot Twist | Tsukasa Tenma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now