GYATT 🥵🤩🥺❤

885 8 90

His ass is my war motive nuff said
Short chapter mb I ran out of ideas


"C'mon! Hurry up!" You called from Tsukasa's bed, already half tucked in and in your pajamas. You bounced in place, watching him nearly fall over as he rushed to dress himself to meet your demands.

"Hurrying, I'm hurrying!" As soon as he was fully clothed, he rushed over, jumping into the bed next to you.

"Yes, yes, give me cuddles!" You cheered, climbing under the covers with him.

"Okay, okay, sheesh!" He threw the blanket up over both of you and wrapped his arms around you, tugging you close. You did the same, nuzzling into his chest with a giggle.

He relaxed into you, your scent, your body, but he squeaked in surprise as he felt one of your hands sensually trail down and squeeze one of his ass cheeks.

"Y-Y/n? Watch your hand!"

"Oh, I am, Darling." Another squeeze to his rear sent warmth to his face.

"What're you doing?"

"Exactly what it feels like. I'm squeezing this perfect ass of yours~"

His breath caught in his throat. "You can't be serious..."

"Why not?" Another squeeze, harsher than before. "Tsukasa, you had better know how perfect and special you are by now. Even with how much I tell you, I'm still finding even more I just adore."

"B-but, of all things to adore... that?"

"You be careful, provoking me like that."

"How am I provoking you?!"

With a smirk, you reached your other hand down to squeeze at the same spot, meanwhile leaning up to press your lips to his. Without a moment's hesitation, you pushed your tongue into his mouth, licking up his surprised and embarrassed mewls.

Moments later, your boyfriend desperately tapped your shoulder, needing air. You pulled away, panting softly and relaxing your hands on his butt.

"Y/n, you..." His face was bright red, and you chuckled at how he clearly didn't know what to say.

"What is it, hun?"

With a whine, he stuffed his beet red face into your chest. "This is so embarrassing..."

"Hehe, not for me~ And I'm the one that started it!"


"What? Does 'Kasa want more?~" you cooed, massaging his ass again. He whimpered, and you chuckled. "Feels good, yeah?"

"I-I guess... Something missing..."

"Ooooh, you want me to peg you?" You smiled, asking him with starry eyes.

"N-no, no! Not now, no!"

"Ahaha, okay, okay, I suppose I can settle for this. Can I use your ass as a pillow, by chance?"

"Why would you want to do that...?"

"Please?" You gave him a pleading look, squeezing his rear again. He tensed away from your hands, consequently pressing his body close to you.

"Fine, fine."

"Yay! Thank you, 'Kasa!" You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you~"

Plot Twist | Tsukasa Tenma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now