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You where playing Four square with the kids as you hear the radio. "Hello? Can anyone hear my voice?" Cloud ran towards the radio. Sooner or later we loose connection with whoever was on the other side. "He's gone." "There are others it's not just us." Lori says softly. "We knew there would be right? That's why we left the c.b on" "A lot of good its been doing"

You walked away to go find Cloud. You walked through the forest, leaves crushing under your shoes. You whisled hoping that Cloud would hear you. You hear meowing behind you. Cloud was running towards you dragging a dead possum. Ew.

"Heyyyy, buddyyyy. I'm not sure if we can eat that." You look at him straight in the eyes "Thank you?"

A arrow shot right passed you and hit a tree. Daryl. "Watch it!" You saw Daryl run towards you with a smile. "What are you doing out here?" Daryl asked. "Cloud ran off. He usually knows where to find his way back to me but still." "Hey can you eat possum?" Pointing to the dead possum.
He chuckled "Well, yes but you'll probably get sick." You go over to the tree and hand Daryl the arrow. "For you good sir!" He takes it and thanks you. "Are the others back yet?" He asked you "Nah I reckon they'll be back soon though."

"Hey you wanna hear a joke?" You ask.
"Nope" "why?" "Because there awful" "It's not my fault you don't understand the knowledge of true greatness!" Daryl just looks at you. You sat in akward silence for a bit till you spoke up. "It's getting dark out I'm gonna head back to camp." You said. You didn't really want to go back, you had to though people might be getting worried. "I can walk you back." Daryl said a bit of disappointment in his voice. You Look into his eyes and nod. "Sure"

As you walk back you both look at the stars talking now and then. Daryl isn't really one to make jokes so you had to do the talking. It was worth it though, seeing the tiny chuckle or giggle knowing that you made them happy. That you did something good. "What are ya thinking about?" Daryl asked. You looked back at him, he was carrying your cat ever so gently as he slept. "Nothing" you smiled at him. You heard twigs crunching, moans and groans. Walkers.

Daryl pulls you behind a tree. "I'm not sure how many there are, we have to stay put." You haven't quite gotten used to the walkers yet.

It's been about 45 minutes. Still no sign of being able to go back yet. It looks like you'll be staying there for a while. You ended up sitting down looking at the stars. You weren't tired, you just needed to sit down. You could tell Daryl was tired though. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down to sit with you. "I can keep watch while you sleep, I can tell your really tired." You said just below a whisper. "No it's fine. Thanks." You nodded. You picked up Cloud and put him on your lap. You both sat there waiting. "How about we take shifts, you nap first then me?" You asked. "You really aren't gonna let that go aren't ya?" He looked at you. "Nope" you said popping the "p". "Fine".

Once Daryl was asleep you felt proud of yourself. Once in a while you fell asleep for 5 minutes. Once you heard no more walkers it was morning. At this point you where very tired and you knew Daryl was gonna be mad at you for not waking him up. You sighed "Today will be the day I die. Not from walkers, not from suicide, but from Daryl Dixon. Goodbye world." You shook Daryl awake. "The walkers are gone." To your surprise he just nodded. "Sooo... you aren't going to kill me?" He looked back at you "Thanks for letting me sleep." You gave a grin as a response. "Let's go back to camp. I already sent Cloud off with a note so they won't worry." You both got up and started to walk back. Sooner or later you saw a deer. "Dinner?" You asked. Daryl nodded "You head back to camp I'll get it." You nodded and walked back.

Once you heard the sound of people talking you were relieved. Once you got back you sneaked up on Carl, picking him up and running. His laughter filled the air. Once you saw Shane get up you put Carl down. "Run off Carl" you walked towards Shane. "You do realize that you cannot enter those woods without telling anybody." You looked at him "Alright, mom" He sternly looked at you. "Where's my cat?" "Where you bit?" "No. Where's my cat?" "Lori's tent" You ran to Lori's tent. "Loriiiii, can I have Cloud back pleeeease." A minute goes by "LORIIIII" Finally the Zipper of the tent opens. But it's not Lori. "Rick?" "Holy, M/n!" You hugged him tightly. "I- oh my God it's actually you!"

Once you had you bonding moment with Rick you took Cloud back to your tent to take a nap. No one bothered you considering you were very tired, and everyone can see it. Cloud crawled up onto your chest and went to sleep. And soon you fell asleep too.

Yoooooo that was the first chapter! How was it??? Anyways I'm gonna try to make M/n a funny relief character!


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