Twisted Disney #5

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Tiana reached Prince Naveen and Charlotte just in time to see them make their deal. "So, if I kiss you, you'll become a prince and marry me as long as Tiana gets her restaurant?" Charlotte asked with her southern drawl. Prince Naveen nodded his frog head slowly.

"That is right," he replied. Charlotte glanced up at the clock of the church tower above them. It was just five minuted until midnight when she would no longer be the Mardi Gras Princess.

"Well, pucker up, butter cup," Charlotte said. Charlotte and Prince Naveen both puckered up their lips and closed their eyes. They moved towards one another until their lips touched. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and the world went black for both Tiana and Naveen.


Tiana's eyes fluttered open. She sat up and looked down at her body. Instead of the green, slimy body she once inhabited, she was now in her usual, yellow work clothes with her dark skin. She looked over at where Naveen and Charlotte once were. Naveen's body, dressed in the clothes of a prince, laid there without the Mardi Gras Princess.

"Naveen, we're human again," Tiana said. The prince's eyes fluttered open and sat up in a confused haze. After several seconds of staring at his body, the confusion melted and he gasped.

"Tiana, we're human again!" he cried. He jumped to his feet and grabbed Tiana's hands, pulling her to her feet. They wrapped each other in a tug.

"Now what?" Tiana asked once they pulled apart. Naveen's hand came up to cup her cheek.

"Well, I have an idea," Naveen said. They both started to move towards each other, their eyes closing.

"Big Daddy! Come on, Big Daddy! They're right up here!" a voice with a southern accent says once there was no more than a centimeter between Naveen and Tiana. Charlotte and Big Daddy ran up in front of the church. "Tia! Naveen!"

"Lottie!" Tiana yelled. Tiana and Charlotte wrapped each other in a hug. When they pulled apart, Charlotte took Tiana's hands in hers.

"When I saw you two laid out on the ground there I figured something was wrong so I went to get help. Big Daddy here knows everything. I explained it all to him," Charlotte said. Tiana smiled.

"Thank you, Charlotte," Tiana said. Charlotte nodded and whispered something to Big Daddy. Big Daddy nodded and pulled some money out of his pocket.

"Tiana, I believe this should be enough," he said. He handed the money to Tiana. Tiana looked down at it confused. She shook her head and looked up at him.

"Why, thank you, Big Daddy, but what is this for?" Tiana asked, the deal she saw Charlotte and Naveen make totally forgotten.

"Well, this is for the deal Charlotte and Princess Naveen made," Big Daddy responded. Tiana's heart dropped. She had forgotten that Prince Naveen promised to marry Charlotte.

"Oh, well, thank you," she said in a less than enthusiastic voice.

"Prince Naveen, come on! We have a wedding to plan!" Charlotte said. She grabbed the prince by his arm and began pulling him away. Big Daddy followed after them. Tiana watched as they turned. Naveen looked back, a saddened look in his eye. Then, he continued on.

"Tiana!" a voice behind her yelled. Tiana turned around. Louis ran towards her with his paws cupped together.

"What is it, Louis?" she asked. He held out his paws. A dead lightning bug laid there.

"It's Ray. I found him hurt in the street," Louis said. Tiana cupped her hands around Louis's paws.

"There's nothing we can do for him," Tiana said. Louis nodded.

"Goodbye, little buddy," he said. Ray's eyes opened up for the last time and the lights in his tail burned bright.

"Goodbye," he said. They light in his tail slowly died down until there was nothing radiating from it. Tears fell from Tiana and Louise's eyes. Tiana looked up at the sky and saw a new star. It was right next to Evangeline.

"Look, he's with Evangeline," Louis pointed out. Another tear slipped down Tiana's cheek. She nodded.

"At least one of us gets to be with their true love," she whispered.


The sound of jazz music brought a smile to Tiana's face. This was how she wanted every night to be like. The grand opening of her restaurant was a success. It had been full of piles of people. Charlotte and Big Daddy sat at one table, admiring Charlotte's big, shiny engagement ring. At another, Tiana's mom and her friends sat together.

Up on the stage, there was a live jazz band, one of the best in New Orleans, and right in the middle, was Prince Naveen. He and Louis looked so happy on the stage performing together. All that Tiana really wished for was that as soon as their song was over, Prince Naveen would run right up to her and give her a kiss.

That, though, was the dream Charlotte was supposed to have. Tiana knew she couldn't get her hopes up. All she had ever wished for was to be where she was right now, anyways. Still, she wanted more. Her hopes to be with Naveen were simply what they were: hopes. She couldn't go back to that wishing star. She had already used her wish.

But, yet, it still wasn't enough.

Disclaimer: The Walt Disney Company owns the version of The Princess and the Frog that this was based off of, not me.

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