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[WARNING. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS... cursing, viruses/illness/disease, blood, murder/death, sharp objects, violence ...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.]



I look behind me, seeing...

HER?! F###! I thought she left! With Junior and Brad... Speaking of those two virus-infected fishermen, Ameli- Scenty... said she saw Junior at the store. Sh#t. What it the three of them split up? This could end badly. The virus could spread... and kill more beings with that virus- wait a second. If that virus hurts people that badly then.. oh goodness.. F###..

I look up at- well, down at- Charlotte who is standing in front of me. The horrid visual of Charlotte faking to her knees and worms inching out of her mouth earlier is ingrained into my brain... it was disgusting, and it proves that now she's just... a corpse... taken over and inhabited by this virus and- How could those worms relate back to the sea creature that bit her?

I am snapped out of my thoughts when Scenty yells and pushes Charlotte away, "Soda Bottle, what were you thinking?!" She gasps, her expression one of disappointment.

I'm unsure how to respond. I'm the tough one, the one that's reasonable, a realist, maybe a bit stubborn. I should change. I should change for the better of Scenty and I. For saving everyone from the virus. For finally getting rid of these corpses being used as hosts for a virus. But no, I'm stubborn. And I'm not changing who I am and how I act just so I can be the "hero" and complain. "Nothing," I find myself saying, "And shut up about calling me 'Soda Bottle.' My name is Bryce."

Scenty sighs and nods, "Bryce, sure- Anyway, Moldy- STOP!" Scenty yells as Charlotte pins her to the wall, Charlotte's widened eyes dead set on Scenty. Heh.. it almost looks like something you'd find in an old, cheesy movie with budget cuts. Well, except for the fact that this situation involves a virus, not romance.

I shake my head to rid myself of those silly thoughts. I rush over to the two and I toss Charlotte to the ground, then stepping on her chest to avoid her standing up. Ugh! Again! Another thing reminiscent of an old, cheesy romance movie with budget cuts! I hate those!

I return to my mission, digging my heel hard onto her to prevent her from attacking us. I'm not heroic. I am not a hero, nor do I want to be. And I am no partaking in the "give back what you receive" motto to Scenty. I just... would rather not lose another person to that dreadful virus.

"Thanks... Bryce," Scenty smiles, and oh sh#t, her smile sure is contagious.

But not as contagious as Liam's smile. I miss him so much.

And that doesn't make me weak, that makes me honorable- no, it just... makes me normal. Normal to have someone you care for. Finally, to be someone normal.

And of course, the normalness, or commonness or whatever, and peace do not last long. And when did they ever?!

Charlotte grabs my ankle, beginning to twist it with unbelievable strength. I yelp in pain, not expecting a virus-infested corpse to be this strong.

I kick her in the mouth, hard... and with my heel. Her mouth snaps shut due to the impact. An idea forms in my head, "Scenty! Charlotte is infected with the virus! Toss me those plastic goggles from Parker on the table!" I shout.

Scenty, despite probably being confused by all those new names and instructions, manages to locate my goggles. She tosses them to me and I strap them on me. Who knew that this junk Parker bought could come in handy?

"Scenty! I need a knife!" I shout to her, hoping the plan is now clear. This seems like a good plan. If Charlotte is infected with this virus, and worms can go in her and out of her safely, and she's a corpse, then she's dead. And dead people, including ones infected with viruses, should not move. So, in my logical and reasonable thinking, I think stabbing her again will work to end her misery and put her to rest and so they virus will be hopefully gone from her. Right?

She tosses the knife to me. Like a miracle, I don't get injured. Guess karma feels a little sorry for me. I plunge the blade- no, I need to wait. I notice a bite mark in her ankle. The sea creature probably bit her there, and maybe it's this corpse's weak spot. Perfect.

I plunge it into there, hoping it was a weak point due to it being the area the sea creature supposedly bit her

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I plunge it into there, hoping it was a weak point due to it being the area the sea creature supposedly bit her. Charlotte does not move or yell, but stays still. I shove it harder, causing an inky sludge to spurt out like a water fountain and onto my goggles. Glad I wore those, or else that junk would be in my eyes.

No I am not killing her, she was already gone and virus-infested. This is just ridding the world of another vessel that the virus has taken over.

There... does not seem to be a cure for her... but did I even try? No. But I soon should.

I look at the clock. 4:50 am. G, right? They should be up by 8 am. Maybe I'll email them, have an early meeting? try to meet up, and find the cure. Aaron too.

I look down at Charlotte. And she will be our test subject. This is a brilliant idea, coming from someone who can barely sleep. But the long times without sleep on ONE prepared me for this.

I just hope my plan succeeds.

[a/n: I will resume the events of in between chapters 7 and 8 in the next chapter. the reason this one is short is because i wanted to get something out after not posting on this book for almost a month. i also wrote this during.. something.. so it might not be as good as other chapters. oh yeah, and also thanks a lot for 2k reads, woah, i didn't expect that much this soon! thanks so much!]

[1048 WORDS]
[6 MARCH 2023]

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