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[a/n: happy almost new year! and happy late holidays!! yay!]

[WARNING. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS... alcoholism, blood, cursing/offensive language, gore, vomiting, virus, infections, violence, insanity, mentions of death and weapons, mentions of kidnapping and torture, brain damage, references to sadists and traitors, "romantic references" ...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED]


I smile back at Scenty. Is she proud of me..? I leave the meet stand up. I watch as Scenty frowns, "Was that... Airy...?"

"Yeah," I grit my teeth tighter, "That monster..."

"No," Scenty shakes her head, "He's not... a monster..." What the hell?! How is a literal spawn from that hell a monster?!

"Scenty, how about you think that he isn't a monster? He TORTURED us and KILLED us. He TRAPPED us! And he hurt you a lot... so how is he not a monster to you...?"

"He's just... misunderstood-"

"Misunderstood my #ss! Sure, he is mentally ill and sad and lonely, but what he did to us is... unforgivable! He should NOT be able to come back from that, even if he IS a crazy f#cker!" I squint my eyes at her.

How can she be so forgiving of that freak when she can't forgive me for the smallest of things? How could she ignore the suffering we endured?

Or maybe... she doesn't remember? Maybe her memory really IS that bad... maybe it really is... "You don't really remember what he did, do you..?" I ask, too kindly for my liking, "You... really don't..." I furrow my eyebrows, wondering how someone do smart could forget so much, so fast.

I wish I could.

I wish I could just forget Airy and Junior and Brad and Liam so I don't remember any of the things that make me seem like a f#cking weak #ss. I want to be strong. I want to appear strong. And those memories prevent me from doing that and I hate it... Oh I want to forget it all, but Stella...

Oh Bryce, this is why nobody - and I mean NOBODY likes you.
Too dramatic.
Too selfish.
Too mean.
Would it be better if I just ended it all?

Because what's the thing I'm holding onto? A fantasy of Brad coming back? Of finding Liam? Of Stella really being alive after all these years? Of all four of us becoming best friends like some Mean-Girls-esque "happily ever after" movie ending? This can't be the only, stupid thingy making me alive right now.

I shake my head, seeing Scenty eyeballing the wine. "You... need some?" G asks, in the other room, yet noticing it too. Yuck, so nosy... And why NEED instead of WANT? Why's she got to be like that? Ugh, grammar...

I then realize something.. something I learned about alchohol after a long time of.. er.. let's just say.. 'enjoying it a bit too much'. "She shouldn't have any, it'll make her memory worse," I mention, making sure Scenty doesn't become even worse in.. erm.. the memory and mind department.

She pouts, "Please? I want some so bad! I wanna have fun..." He whines and pulls the- MY- raincoat over her head. Just give up the raincoat. Give it up. She can buy her own, so why does this specific one matter? And it's mine!

Nonetheless, I am NOT letting her drink that wine and hurt herself like G almost did. "No, you'll get hurt."

"Nooo, I want some...!"

"You CAN'T! End of story."

"It's just this one time!" G speaks up, "Please, won't you let her? She's an adult and can make her own choices!"

"You're one to talk, Miss I-will-drink-until-I-black-out!" I glare at her. Why does SHE think she can boss us around?! She's a drunk! Maybe. Possibly. I... don't know.

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