A Peace Offering

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I squinted at my computer screen. My eyes burned as they kept moving in and out of focus. Despite the lack of sleep, I was determined to make up for my lost writing time.As I  struggled to force words to materialize onto the page, my intense focus was broken when a knock sounded on the door. I turned to glare at it. Another knock and I was up from my seat."What now?" I groan, unbolting the door and slowly opening it. Seeing Pete, surprisingly dressed for once in blue jeans and a black v-neck polo, I groan and start to close the door but he puts his hand between the doorframe and door to block it. 

"Wait!"Sighing, I open the door. "What? I'm a bit busy."

He smiles. "Seeing how our conversation went last time, I wanted to come and offer you a peace offering.""I told you I'm not interested."Much to my surprise, he reaches into his pocket and holds out a small envelope. "Here."I look at the envelope and then back at him without moving.

"Take it." He says, urging me.Hesitantly, I grab the envelope and turn it over, shrugging.

"What is it?"

"Tickets." He smiles. "To my show tonight. I'm performing in a theater production of Much Ado About Nothing as Don John." 

He pauses for what I assume to be a dramatic effect before his smile falls. "You know...the Shakespeare play?"
"I know it's a Shakespearean play." I snap. "A bit presumptuous, isn't it? Inviting somebody to a show that you're in as an apology?" I glance down at the envelope with a scoff. "Like Hey, I'm sorry I wasted your time with my groupies. Come waste more of your time coming to watch me!" "

I look up, hoping my barb hit him where it hurt but he just shrugs it off. He motions with his chin toward the envelope.
"Perhaps it is but, to show you that I mean well, there's two tickets in there so you may bring whomever you wish. Friend, sibling, parent, Boyfriend... Girlfriend."
I raise a brow and he smiles.

I open my mouth to decline once more as my phone starts ringing. Pulling it from my pocket, I notice it's Yuri and my brows crease.

"So.. what do you say? Will you come tonight?"

I wave him off as I poise my finger over the button to answer my phone.  "I'll think about it," I mutter, answering as I start to close the door. This time I'm prepared for him to stop the door but am relieved when it shuts, only with him calling out from behind the door.

"Times are on the tickets!"

I walked a few steps. "Hey, Yuri." 

"Who was that? Hope I'm not disturbing you."

I inwardly groan. "No. It was just Pete. What's up?"

"I was calling to see if you had plans in case you want to hang out tonight. It's been a long day of Karens and I can use some distraction."

I glance down at the envelope in my hand. It takes me a moment before I realize she asked a question. 

"Hello?" Yuri asks. "You there Abby?"

"Yeah, Sorry." I frown as I feel my face burn with embarrassment.

"What did Pete want?"

To annoy me. I sigh, leaning against the arm of my couch. "He was coming to offer me tickets to his show tonight in Central Park. He's apparently appearing in a Shakespeare play."

"I love plays!" She says. "Let's go to it! I've always wanted to see Pete perform on stage. He talks about his background in theater all the time and I'd love to see if he really does have the acting chops he claims."

I glance over at my computer. "I don't know... I really should try to get some writing done."

"Are you working tonight?"

"Well...no, but..."

"No more excuses. We're going."

I press my lips together in a line. In the short amount of time I've known Yuri, I knew there was no arguing with her. If she said something was going to happen, it was.  

"Fine." I sigh. I take out the tickets, examining them for the times. "Looks like I'll see you around four."

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