Much Ado About Nothing

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I paced the room as I waited for Yuri to show up. We had agreed to meet up at my place first before hailing a cab to go over to the Delacorte Theater where the production was taking place. Apparently, it was an annual thing where usually during the summertime, like now, they would put on free productions of Shakespeare plays in the park for all to see. It was kind of cool in a way. I had never once been to the theater before since I moved to the city about 6 months ago. I always wondered about it and now it was finally my turn to see it for myself. While I wasn't thrilled that I was going because of Pete, I guess you have to take the opportunities as they come.

When we finally got to the theater, we showed our tickets to the people guarding the entrance. They looked at us like we were insane since it seem like barely anybody had a ticket. I mean why would they? If the event was free what was the point of having a ticket? It only took a couple of odd looks for me to quickly stuff the envelope with the tickets in my pocket and shuffle after Yuri as she went to find a seat.
The theater itself was pretty cool. It was an open-air theater almost like an amphitheater in Ancient Greek times only with the main stage being on one side rather than in the center with all the bystanders surrounding it.

We took our seats and waited. Yuri struck up a conversation with a happy couple near us but I was busy looking out at the people filing in and making it to their seats. It was surprising to see how packed the theater already was given that we were fairly early. But then again I guess it's easy to fill a space when the entertainment is free.

Admittedly, I had never seen the play Much Ado About Nothing nor read the play beforehand. It was for this exact reason that I found myself almost enthralled by the performances of the actors on stage. Once Pete finally made his entrance as Don John, the brother of Don Pedro, Yuri excitedly nudged me to point him out as though I wasn't looking straight at him.

Much to my dismay, he was actually a pretty good actor. I found myself watching him closely whenever he was on stage. His expressions and the way he delivered his lines drew you further into the story. Upon this realization, I couldn't help but sulk. How could somebody so arrogant actually be good?

Finally, at the very end, as people were making their way out of the theater, Yuri jumped up from her seat. "He was so good! " She beams, seeming almost as surprised as I was. "Let's go see if we can find him!"
I was ready to decline the offer. I didn't really want him to know that I was there as he had intended. Just one more thing he could brag about. But before I could say anything, Yuri grabs my hand and pulls me along with her, dipping and diving through the crowd toward the stage. Dropping my hand, Yuri runs up the steps to talk to the people guarding the stage on either side. While she talks to them I look around nervously, debating whether or not I should just run away now.
I hear Yuri call my name shortly after the security guard tells her to stay still as he climbs the stage steps and slips behind the curtain, likely to go find Pete.
Pete emerges from behind the curtain and looks around, his brows drawn in concentration as he scans around the area before his eyes fall on us. His usual smirk appears as he comes toward us and his eyes land on me.
"You came."He says. "What did you think?"
While he was looking at me when he asked, Yuri quickly jumped into the conversation to answer.
"You were amazing, Pete!" She beamed. "I had no idea you were so talented."
I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I feel his gaze still on me as he replies.
"Why thank you, Yuri. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"We did! Tremendously. Right, Abby? " She turns to look at me excitedly as both she and Pete look at me expectedly. My face burns.
"It was definitely an interesting play. I've never seen this one before."

He raises a brow. "Did you see many plays where you're from?"

I shrug nonchalantly. "Not really." I reach out to tap Yuri in hopes to head back to the apartment. Something about seeing brilliant works in action made me want to work on my own masterpiece, no matter how torturous it is. 

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