XIX By accident

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Gentle reminder that this story is for adult readers only.

Trigger warning: suiidal thoughts and erotic scene.

This chapter contains an erothic sceneIn this chapter suicidal thoughts of a main character are mentioned. The opinion about suiside, expressed in the chapter, is one of the character, not mine. It is not my intent to judge or critisise people with depression, PTSD and anxiety. I do not want to encourage anyone to commit suicide. Anyone who considers the topic triggering, should not read the chapter. Mental health is a serious issue and my intent here is only to show, based on my own experience, how a mind of a person with depression can function. Anyone, who experiences any problems or difficulties should seek professional help. If you know anyone who suffers from depression or you suspect so, please ask specialists how you can help.

After a few seconds, he came closer. Why on earth he was the one to find her? Haven't she got parents, friends any other family members to watch her, care for her and help her out? Why there was no one else for people like her.

Like him.

Like THEM.

He looked down on her pale face, on her parted lips and long eyelashes hiding half-closed eyes. He bent to check the pulse.

And she jumped, nearly hitting him in the face with her forehead.

"For the fuck's sake, Granger, you are alive?" It was not the most delicate or tactful question.

Before he noticed, too shocked to act with his usual speed, she was pointing her wand at him.

"Why are you there?"


"I'm not going with you. Anywhere! You won't take me! You won't get me! Not alive!"

"So that was what you wanted to do, miss Granger?" He raised his voice so that she was able to concentrate on it. "You were trying to run away from your responsibilities and sins?"

She blinked.

"I wasn't..."

"Oh, spare me your lies. I saw the vial. What did you do then? You drank it or not?"

"I didn't."

"Very well then. Where did you get it?"

"You perfectly know, Snape where I got it from!"

He nodded.

"When and why?" He was drawling now, barely controlling his anger. She had no right to use his own supplies in any circumstances but to kill herself... He didn't want to have anything to do with yet another death.

"After you killed... After Dumbledore's death." She started to sob. The hand holding the wand weekend so he took it away.

"Now that you cannot harm neither of us, may I suggest we sit and talk?"

"I don't want to talk."

"And I don't give a shit about your wishes, Granger. You either talk to me or Kingsley."

She looked at him, finally listening.

"Fine." She said.

He nodded.

"I'll make us some tea and you won't do anything stupid."

"Can I go to the toilet?"

He considered the idea.

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