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Eddie's POV

"Thank you again, baby. I'll be home before you know it." Y/n's voice came through the phone. "We're fine, sweetheart. Take your time." you said calmly. "Ow, shit!" you yelled out in pain as your 5 year old, Stevie, threw a truck at your head. "Eds?" Y/n said worriedly. You rubbed your forehead. "Everything's great, love you, gotta go." you said hanging up the phone. "Now what was that for?" you said to Stevie. She giggled. "Mhmm.." you said chuckling. "Maybe we put the trucks away and play with something else now?" you said.

Stevie stuck her bottom lip out pouting. "How about the sandbox?" you said grinning at her. She matched your grin and ran to the backyard. She shoveled sand into her bucket as you made two round molds. "Now these are mommy's boobies." you said rounding out the sand. Stevie looked at you and rolled her eyes. Damn, kid. You smiled. "What are you making?" you asked her. "A castle." she said. "You want some help?" you said grabbing one of her other buckets. "Can you make it fifty feet tall?" she said looking up at you with her big brown eyes.

"I'll do my best." you said and she nodded fiercely. "Thanks daddy." she said sweetly. Man, she's beautiful. "Anything for my little Princess." you said as you started to help her with her castle. "Daddy, we have to build a note!" she said loudly. "A note?" you looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Duh, a note." she said started to dig a tunnel around her castle. You chuckled. "A moat?" you asked her gently. "Yeah, a note. And we hafta fill it with alligators too." she said smiling a toothy grin. "To stop the bad guyss." she whispered. "Sir Eddie.. um Sir Daddy is on it." you said giving her a salute with your hand.

She giggled and kept digging the moat. You quickly dug it for her and went to get a bucket of water. You walked over to the water spigot and turn it on filling up the bucket. All of a sudden you heard a cry. You dropped the bucket and ran back over to Stevie who was holding her finger, tears streaming down her little face. "What happened, baby?" you said scooping her up. "I gots a splinter." she said, her bottom lip quivering. "Okay, hey. It's okay. You're a tough girl right?" you said carrying her towards the house.

She squinted her eyes and growled. "That's what I'm talking about, tough girl." you said pushing open the door. You sat her down at the kitchen table and went to grab some tweezers. Fuck, she's gonna hate this. When you returned she was in front of the fridge trying to reach the freezer. "Whatcha doin?" you said and she jumped. You knew she was trying to get a popsicle. "Nuffin." she said turning around and looking at you innocently.

"Let's get this splinter out and eat some dinner and then we'll have a popsicle. How's that sound?" you said scooping her back up. "Okay, daddy." she said. You sat her on your lap and examined her finger. Luckily it wasn't too deep. You got it out pretty easily and without much fight from her. "You did so good, angel." you said kissing her forehead. "Kiss it!" she said holding her finger up. You kissed her tiny finger and she smiled. "Better?" you said. "All better." she smiled up at you. You took her into the living room and popped in a movie so you could make some dinner.

I cannot fucking cook. "Hey Princess?" you called into the living room. "Yeah daddy?" she called back. "How does pizza sound?" you asked her. She cheered. "I'll take that as a yes." you said laughing. You ordered some pizza and picked Stevie up taking her to the car. You buckled her in and climbed in the drivers seat. You turned on 'Master of Puppets' and Stevie grinned. "Now, who is this, sweetheart?" you said looking at her through the rear view mirror. "It's 'tallica dad." she said. "That's my girl." you said giving her a wink. She blinked both of her eyes trying to wink back.

Mr. Munson (Eddie Munson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now