Daddy/Daughter Dance 🌶️

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Ring Ring Ring

You woke up rubbing your eyes. You glanced at your window, still dark. What time is it?

Ring Ring Ring

You climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the phone off the hook. "Hello?" you said sleepily. "Baby? Can you hear me?" Eddie's voice came crackling through the phone. "Sort of.. you okay?" you asked. Then the realization hit you. He should be on an airplane right now.

Stevie's daddy/daughter dance was tomorrow. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Our flight... crackle.. delayed... crackle. Babe?" his voice was breaking up but you caught the gist. Fuck, she's gonna be so disappointed. "Eds?" you tried. Nothing. "Love you both." you caught before the line went dead. Shit.

You walked back to your bedroom and grabbed a cigarette. You stepped out onto your back porch, settling into one of your patio chairs. You lit the cigarette, inhaling deeply. What the fuck do I do? Stevie was so excited, she had picked out a dress a month ago. One she said her daddy would love.

It was a beautiful red dress with ruffles paired with, of course, her little combat boots. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. I could take her, I guess. It wouldn't be the same. You knew how hard Eddie's job was before you had Stevie but times like this made it hit harder. It wasn't his fault but the reality of the situation sucked.

You finished your smoke and walked back inside. You laid back down and tried to rest, there was nothing you could do tonight.


You woke the next morning to six year old Stevie standing by your bed. "Hi mommy!" she said cheerfully. You smiled at her and pulled her up onto the bed with you. "Hi, angel." you said softly. She sat in your lap as you played with her curls. "We have to get ready!" she half shouted, looking up at you. Her little brown eyes wide.

"The dance isn't until later, sweet pea." you told her calmly. I have to tell her Eddie won't be here. You opened your mouth to speak when there was a loud knock at the door. You kissed Stevie's cheek and hopped out of bed, heading towards the door. You opened it to see a smiling Steve. "I was told someone needed a date tonight?" Steve said grinning.

Steve. Your heart melted at his kindness. "Uncle Steve to save the day?" you said, your eyes watering. He pulled you in for a hug. "He really wanted to be here." he said gently. "I know." you sniffled. You pulled away and gave Steve's hand a squeeze. "Where is my girl?" Steve said loudly. "I'm right here, Uncle Steve." Stevie said, peeking around the corner.

The two of you sat down with Stevie and explained the situation as simply as possible. She was upset at first but she decided Steve was an okay backup. "I guess you can take me." she said, eyeing him carefully. You giggled at her face and Steve pretended to be highly offended. "Am I not worthy?" he joked. "You'll do." Stevie said before running off.

Steve looked at you with his eyes wide and you shrugged. "She's a handful." you said laughing. "She's a Munson." Steve said, sighing. "I'll be back at 5. Oh.. and I'm gonna do her hair." he added. You rolled your eyes. "Whatever you want, Harrington." you said, smiling. "Perfect! See you then." Steve said disappearing out the front door.

You spent the day with Stevie hyping her up for the dance. You put her dress on and watched as she twirled around. She looked like an actual princess. Steve arrived in a white tuxedo with a red pocket square that matched Stevie's dress perfectly. "These are for you, my dear." he said, handing Stevie some flowers.

She jumped excitedly and gave him a big hug. "Thanks, Uncle Steve." she grinned. He scooped her up and went to her vanity to begin the hair process. Which took a solid 40 minutes and Stevie was very over it by the end. "Steve, it doesn't have to be perfect." you said nudging him. "Look at these locks. She was blessed with beautiful hair." he said, spraying it down once more with hairspray.

Mr. Munson (Eddie Munson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now