First Date 🌶️

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"This is insane, Eddie." you whisper as you crouch behind a bush.

"Shhh!" he turns to you with his finger on his lips.

"We need to trust her. We can't follow her.. this is everything we shouldn't be doing. She said she was going to hang out with Rebecca." you continue on and he glares at you.

"Who did you tell your mom you were going to hang out with? Remember? When we were doing very naughty things in the back of my van?" he whispers.

"Stephanie.." you admit and Eddie pushes your head down suddenly as you hear voices.

Sixteen year old Stevie... and a boy. Oh lord.

"Told ya." Eddie mumbles. "Look at him. He looks like he... like he..."

"Like he what?" you sigh deeply.

"I don't know. Like he steals stuff or like he does drugs. Do you think he does drugs? Do you think Stevie is doing drugs?" Eddie's voice rises and you can't help but laugh.

"Says the retired drug dealer."

He glares at you again.

"No.. I don't think she's doing drugs. And he looks sweet." you say peeking over the bush.

"He has a tattoo. Do you see the tattoo?" Eddie nudges you.

"Eds.. I'm hungry. And this is ridiculous. Come on." you try to tug on his jacket and he pulls against you causing him to fly into the bush.

"Fuck!" he shouts.


Oh no.

Eddie stands up awkwardly brushing the leaves and twigs from his hair. You slowly stand up from behind the bush.

"Mom?!" Stevie's mouth hangs open as she looks between the two of you.

"Hey angel, we um.. you forgot your.." Eddie pats his pockets as he tries to come up with a lie.

Stevie crosses her arms over her Metallica shirt and gives her dad the evil eye.

"Money.. you forgot money. For your plans with.. Rebecca, is it?" Eddie reaches out his hand to the boy.

Stevie's eyes roll in sync with yours as the boy stares at Eddie confused.

"Who's Rebecca?" the boy asks as he reaches out and shakes Eddie's hand.

"Dad." Stevie looks at Eddie with her eyes narrowed.

"No, sorry. I just must have been confused. I thought my daughter said she was hanging out with Rebecca this afternoon but obviously I got the names confused... you are?" Eddie looks into the boy's eyes.

"Um.. I'm Jimmy. But my friends call me Boss." the kid puffs out his chest.

Eddie cringes and looks at you. "Do they?" Eddie questions as Stevie grabs his jacket and pulls him to the side.

You stand there awkwardly looking at Jimmy. He pulls out a cigarette and you quickly snatch it from him. "Seriously?" you groan and the kid just shrugs.

Eddie's POV

"What the hell, dad? You're spying on me?" Stevie stands close to you, her brown eyes burning with anger.

"Rebecca? Does that look like Rebecca to you? There's something different about her.. I can't quite put my finger on it..."

"This is ridiculous." Stevie huffs.

"What's ridiculous is you lying. And sneaking around with a boy who calls himself Boss!" your voice starts to rise and Stevie starts shuffling her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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