XXV ; The Dream Goes On

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- We're really gonna have to stock up on clothes and bring them to the hotel on the way back.

- Right...

Minho huffs and then leans his head against the window of his door. The landscape scrolls rather quickly before his eyes as he plays with his fingers, his hands resting on his thighs.

The day ahead makes him nervous.

What if the solution they found didn't work? What if, instead of helping, it only makes the situation worse?

Hyunjin notices the subtle sign of nervousness in the brunette but he already knows the reason because he too feels a certain stress taking over and poisoning his whole mind.

- Do you think it's really a good idea to start from the farthest place?

Minho breaks the silence again by turning his gaze to the driver.

- I think if we want to avoid disasters, we should set the clocks according to the order in which we visited the places.

- Ahh, you're right. Fingers crossed then...


Finally arrived in front of the first hotel in which they took refuge the day before the ambush took place, Hyunjin parks the car diagonally in front of the small building with only three floors.

The two boys then leave the car to go towards the front doors of the hotel and go through the reception, where still no one is.

They take the elevator and once in front of their bedroom door, they both look at each other before opening the door and entering.

Two clocks. One on the wall and one that serves as an alarm clock.

Hyunjin, being taller than Minho, takes care of the one on the wall while Minho takes care of the small dial on the nightstand between the two beds.

- What time do you think it would be right now...?

- I'd say... eleven o'clock? But I don't think we need the exact time. Just changing the time on the clocks will fix the problem. But, as a precaution, let's put eleven o'clock on all the clocks we're going to fix.

The brunette obediently nods and turns back to Hyunjin, who also finds the other when the task is done.

- Now let's go back to New York.

Following Minho's words, Hyunjin takes the opportunity to grab his cellphone which he had forgotten here. The two boys then turn back and "borrow" a new car because the one they had taken is almost out of gas and going to a gas station would break the order of their plan.


Back on the road for more than forty minutes, the eyes of the smallest begin to blink, fatigue taking hold of him.

The road back to the first hotel had been longer than the first time they did it.

For his part, Hyunjin continues driving peacefully, until he sees something that completely changes his facial expression.

His mouth parts and his eyes widen as they reflect the warm rays of the sun, the one he had missed so much.

The sky in front changes gradually, passing from a midnight blue to a pale blue, mixed with several other colors, including pink, a tint of orange and a light yellow.

A comforting heat is then felt on the black haired boy's skin, the cause being the rays of this distant star.

His lips slowly stretch into a soft, tender smile.

The sunrise at the end of the desert highway seems too beautiful.

Too good to be true.

A distinct voice reaches the ear of the tallest.

It seems vague, fuzzy, but the more the sun becomes apparent, the louder and clearer the voice becomes.

He tries to decipher what he hears wearily, until he comes to his senses, having understood that he was being shouted at from the start.


Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now