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You currently sat on your balcony at Casterly Rock. You were 15, promised Margaery Tyrell for a wife, and heir to Casterly Rock. Over the last five years one prominent thing had been built at the castle: Caraxes' new lair. It was under Casterly Rock itself, and there was a tunnel system that went straight to your chambers. One that connected to another tunnel, which you often brought whores through. You were excited for your wedding, which had been arranged and you were going to be marrying in Kings Landing. Per request of Robert Baratheon. All the lords of Westeros would be there, and it was the talk of Westeros that it would be on par with a royal wedding in terms of how grand it would be. Which was no understatement. Everyone had already began making their way to the capital, but you had made the decision that you would fly there on dragon back. Which excited you.

Time skip

You arrived in Kings Landing, Caraxes landing at the dragon pit, and you made your way to the Red Keep. 

"We must kill the beast before it kills us!" you heard Baelish yell as you walked into the throne room "you will do no such thing," you stated "Lord- err- Lord Y/n, that beast is dangerous! s-surely you see why it is necessary to-" "Caraxes is tamed, leave him alone and I won't reduce Kings Landing to ash," you warned "you ride it?!" Baelish yelled "I do," you replied "and you will leave him be," you saw he was visibly afraid of you now. You looked at Margaery and saw she was shocked, "my Lady," you said nodding at her before walking out.

Time skip

It had been a few days, since you arrived in Kings Landing, and all those invited had arrived. Including Prince Oberyn, which had surprised you. You had gotten along well with the Prince the last time you had spent time with him, which was a few years prior on a visit to Dorne, and you were excited to get drunk. 

The actual ceremony itself was ordinary, nothing exciting happened, and now you were at the party. Which you were enjoying getting drunk at. "My love, surely you've drunk enough," Margaery said to you as she put a hand on your shoulder "not yet my Lady," you replied and kissed the back of her hand as she giggled at your response. You and Margaery had always gotten on well, and you were excited for the marriage. You hadn't been married in your previous life, never having found a need for it. You had bastards and had legitimised them which solved the problem of who would be heir to Casterly Rock. But, you and Margaery were more friends than anything. And now you would be friends with benefits. "Surely this is getting unhealthy my Love, you might kill yourself," Margaery said sounding genuinely concerned "I'm the son of the imp I have a reputation to maintain," you replied which got a giggle from her "and you don't have to call me that, my name is fine," you then leant in closer "and when people call me Lord, they're technically using the wrong title," "what title should they be using?" she giggled "king," you whispered "you're drunk enough, alright it's time for the bedding ceremony," she said "no, no bedding ceremony," you argued as the music quietened down "where's your respect for tradition cousin?" Joffrey scoffed "come ladies! Take her to her wedding bed," he ordered "take off her gown she won't be needing it any longer," Margaery stood up, visibly uncomfortable, and when he walked in front of the table you noticed a smile on his face, "and take my cousin, I know he's quite heavy, but do try your best," he was cut off from going any further when you stabbed your dagger into the table, which made Robert and Tywin stand up, "if you don't stop, you'll be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock," you threatened, completely serious, "Lady Margaery and I will consummate in private," "how do we know you'll actually do it?" he scoffed "because I will, and you will shut up before I plunge this straight into your cock," you growled. Your tone that of an experienced lord or king who has to make sure no one rebels every few days. Which Tywin immediately picked up on. "We can skip the bedding ceremony my Prince. I'm sure Y/n did not mean to threaten the prince," Tywin said and you stopped for a moment before starting to laugh "a bad joke my Prince. Made an attack of envy of your own royal manhood. Mine is so small, my poor wife won't even know I'm there," you said "your cousin is clearly quite drunk my Prince," Tywin said "I am! Guilty!" you stated and got up. Intentionally stumbling as you drunk more wine. "But, but it is my wedding night. My tiny drunk cock and I have a job to do, come wife," you said, Margaery immediately knew you were messing around and went with you.

You brought Margaery into your bed chamber and looked her up and down as she went towards the bed. You first took off your shirt, having just been wearing your small clothes, and when you turned to Margaery you watched as she blushed at the sight of you. "You've been working out," she observed "of course," you replied and kissed her lips. She moaned into the kiss and you eventually broke it. "Now get that gown off," you ordered before leaning close to her ear "your king commands it," you whispered.

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