
743 7 4

               (no smuth this time)

Hi Mike, can we meet up?

                                       Yeah sure, when?
Today 4 PM? 
                                                        Ok, bye

How should I even confront this? Like I don't want to come of as homophobic since I'm literally queer (probably bi) my self. Maby I can tell him so he knows I'm not mad or something.

At 4 PM
„Hi Mike!" I say as Mike enters my house. „Hi!" He replies. „So this is a really random question but I need to ask, are you and Will... a thing?" I bring up. Mike obviously confused asks: „What?" „Like, when we met up a few days ago with everyone, and played that game, you needed to kiss Will and semed rather excited. I don't know, mabey I was just seeing stuff but just so you know I like girls too so you can tell me."

Mike looks at me. He stays silent for a while till he speaks up: „We aren't together but I like him." He pauses then breaks the silence again: „Uhm, what was that with you being into girls?" „I-", I start not sure how to explain. Like I'm not even sure about my sexualty. I guess I'm bi, but I'm not sure. 

„I'm still not sure what exactly my sexualty is, I just know that I like girls too. I mean I still like boys just also girls." I then say. „Mmh, have you heard if bisexuell?" Mike asks. I chuckle and  say: „Yeah, it might be me but, I'm just not sure yet. What about you? Do know what your sexualty is?"

„Yup I'm gay.", He says and then continues: „ I found out last year, wich was when I broke up with you. I didn't want to hurt you. It was also when I realised I like Will. " I nod my head understanding. „You?"

I take a deep breath and respond: „ Actully a few days ago, when... when I kissed Max. It felt so right, so yeah, I guess I like girls too." Obviously Mike asks: „Do you like Max?" After some time I answer: „Yes, yes I do." I then laugh a little in liberation. „ You're the firs one I told this." „I feel honored" Mike smiles.We both laugh.

When Mike needs to go I feel better. At least I'm not the only one. In the evening I get a text from Max:

Hi, wana meet up tomorrow? I've got something to tell you

My heart beats probably a hundred times faster. Maybe I can tell her about my feelings. Even if that isn't what she wants to talk about. So I text her back:

Yeah sure, what about 8pm?
                                       Yeah at mine?

I'm so excited.

To be continued....

I think you can guess where this is going 😏.
Have a good day/night ❤️


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