48: One-Shot

261 15 2

Author: IchijouKenichiro

In the Words of Another

Tagged as mildly mature but overall clean

"Lai, undu ala lukhud fillu,
Attam takluti ra ala kazlîn tagrafi gagin," murmured Gimli as he lay in Legolas' arms amongst the bright green ferns and atop a carpet of thick soft moss.

Legolas turned his head and asked lightly, "Hmm?"

Gimli just sighed pleasantly, shaking his head, and let his eyes flutter closed in answer. Then he settled down half on Legolas' shoulder and half on his chest.

Legolas smiled and brushed the splayed red hairs of Gimli's head and beard that brushed the side of his face. He felt content to be beneath the trees of Fangorn with his lover half naked in his arms. He waited as Gimli fell into a slumber, enjoying the sound of his deep breathing.

Legolas began to hum lightly in time to the steady beating of his dwarf's heart, his mind trying to piece together what words Gimli might have uttered in his postcoital bliss. He had heard Gimli speak in dwarvish before, of course, but never were the words explained. So he wondered what their significance, if any, might be.

When some hours had passed, Legolas laid Gimli gingerly down upon the ground, covered him with a cloak, and slipped off. He climbed up a tall tree and sang to the stars, hoping to lead his mind towards some answers. He and Gimli had never talked about their relationship openly, which at times stirred uneasiness within him. They shared intimate time together, but Legolas did not allow them to take the final step that would bind them for the rest of their lives together. He feared that while he would be committed long term, that perhaps dwarves might have different customs. At his age, he was doubtful he would find another whom he would love so much. He knew that if he were to give himself to Gimli and later be rejected it would destroy him.

He saw the first light of day breaking over the edge of the treeline and climbed back down to where he had left Gimli. Legolas slipped his arms back around Gimli and let himself drift off to sleep until they could awaken again together.

"Watch your head in this next section, my princeling, the ceiling gets low even for dwarves," said Gimli, extending a hand to Legolas.

Legolas smiled in the dimness of the lantern light, slipping his fingers into the gloved hand and bent down to enter the low crawl space. "Thank you, Meleth nin."

"Once we get past the low section, it'll open up into the place I was telling you about."

"The area with the gem walls?" asked Legolas.

"Yes," chuckled Gimli. "I thought I'd put it a bit more eloquently than that, but I suppose you can never trust an elf to properly put into words the beauty of what lies beneath stone."

"As I recall, your first poetic line about the Fangorn scenery was, correct me if I'm wrong," Legolas switched to a fake dwarven accent before continuing, "'Well, it is a bit green, isn't it?'"

They both dissolved into laughter which echoed off the walls even after they had stopped.

"Aye, you have me there," admitted Gimli, "Though I do think I made up for my earlier attempts later on."

Legolas smiled, recalling the poem that Gimli composed as they dined by a waterfall. It was as lovely as those written about Greenwood the Great in the Second Age by famous poets. He would be embarrassed at his comparative ineptitude with words, but Gimli's skill was one of the things that attracted him.

"And here we are," Gimli said with a definitive air.

Legolas straightened and looked around in the dark. He could make out the rough forms of the cave walls, but could not see any shimmer from the lantern's light, nor any other indication that the walls were special in any way.

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