Killer circumstances.

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I was walking down the familiar path of my house. Blank in thought mostly, but I needed to get home quickly, so I swiftly took a turn to an alleyway. Though gangs were a familiar sight, they don't usually prey on people like me. I'm broker than a street dog and you work at a 7-eleven. Not much to be proud of, living with nobody also. The thing you would have to watch out for near Ebbot City, is blood sacrificial cults. They get a few people a year, usually people that don't matter to society. Like you. The way they kill their victims is usually stabbing them in a non- fatal area, and pushing them to the ground. Allowing them to bleed out and die. Then using the blood in later sacrifices. Its morbid really. But it doesn't bother me much, because people are already at your throat anyway. After the whole going "psycho" and setting fire to two houses, everyone would appreciate if I was dead. They deserved it anyway. The houses in question were owned by a 'friend' of mine. They would try to joke with me but they went to far too many times. I got fed up when they would start threatening me. So, I burnt down not only theirs but their ex-wifes house. As their ex would do the same thing. The ex survived, had a lot of surgery done, and stuff like that. But my 'friend'? He died. Not a single regret anyway. So I guess a gang is plausible, if they were hired as a hitman or something. But it's whatever mostly. There was a cold feeling, this feeling was... Familiar. Right. It's the feeling of being watched. Though, I doubt it. I walked on, almost seeing the end of the tunnel-like alleyway. Then there was a sharp pang of pain in my side. I ran quickly, feeling blood dripping down my sides. I tripped on a rock falling face first onto the pavement. Perpetually breaking my jawbone in the process. I screamed. And screamed for help.

But Nobody Came.
Not to help you anyway.

Heyyy! You made it through the intro! Good job!

Go get some hydration and some popcorn buddy, because this is gonna be a long ride.

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