stillness and nightmares.

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I decided to go back to sleep after that little encounter with the 'good guys' of the universe. After waking up, I decide to take a walk. Im not fond of good guys. After all. Good and bad is just a play-game. when you really think about it. Both sides are wrong, and both sides are right. Good guys can punish a rule-abiding citizen, and so can a bad guy. Everyone is in the wrong if they fight in the first place. But it's a matter of perspective of who is 'good' and 'bad'. In the first place. To a usual person on the surface, the great war was good, and the monsters were the bad guys. But a normal monster would see that the humans were the bad ones. I will agree although, with rules. I just don't believe in good guy, bad guy situation. It's not as it matters anyway. Because someone had to appear right a few feet in front of me. How annoying. The figure was skeleton like. It had a gooplike substance covering its entire body. "Well hello, Mr. Murderer. I will guess that you caused the damage to this AU?" He said smokyly. I hesitateded at his words. Then answered. "This. This is my AU. I  was the one who killed everyone. And my name is murder." I said gravelly. My brother was chuckling. Laughing. The other skeleton sighed. "I know that. Murder. I'm afraid we have stepped of on the wrong foot. Come join my team. I will give you everything you need. My brother dream will tell that I'm not a good influence. I can tell he's been here already. But I will make sure you are taken care of correctly for your inconvenience of a... murderous mind." He said slowly. I sighed. "I'm not going with you. As I said to your brothers offer. I will stay in my own AU." I added, with an almost agitated tone. "So you would rather sit here and let day by day go by as you slowly kill off everything in your AU, to the point where your alone by yourself, with not a single person to speak to except your thoughts?" He said calmly. How could he be so monotone about my situation? The other group seemed skittish, but nightmare just seems... Calm.
Should I trust him?
Can I trust him?
The choice, Is mine,
Is it not?
Maybe just this once.
"Fine, I will join you, but I need more information on this gang of yours." I replied. "It would be better if I just showed you, correct?" He questioned lightly.  "No, we will talk here, and that's that." I answered gravelly. Nightmare sighed, clearly starting to get agitated.
"We only have a few members. Two, not including me. Error and killer are their names. Error however doesn't work really for us, he kind of helps our cause." He explained. "And what is this cause exactly that you talk so high and mighty about?" I asked with bearly any tone. "To spread negative feelings to every AU, to take justice for what traumas this group has had to deal with." He added sparingly.
"Seems... Fair. I'll go with you. "
Hopefully, I won't regret this action.
It's a possibility, isn't it?

Heya! So I'm sorry that this chapter took awhile, I've been a bit busy with personal stuff. Also sorry that it's not as long as my usual chapters!
Have a good day/Night!

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