Nightmares and unused sunlight.

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I followed nightmare into the portal that he opened to his castle. It was a decent sized castle after all. It was unreasonably quiet, and there was one other skeleton looking out a window. Nightmare seemed unfazed about the other skeleton's horrible attempt at spying. Not to mention the weather or anything, but it was night, and when I followed Nightmare into the portal I could've swore it was daytime. Maybe that's just how stuff works. My brother was hovering alongside me, rambling on how this was a good way to get LV. Too bad I didn't listen to him, I was busy taking in the atmosphere. It smelled of death and mold, And the Aura was just as bad. I would probably have to get used to this. As it seems. The inside of the castle was just as spacious. There was a large cell across the huge throne room, and as it seemed, there was a person In the cell. The person in question, was swap. I mentally chuckled to myself. That team would probably fall apart without him. Too bad he's here. Nightmare paced on, which in turn I followed. We turned into a hallway, and nightmare stopped at a door. "Here. It's your room. I've been studying sanses behavioral, so I wouldn't see you having dislike to this room." He said calmly. He then stopped as he was about to walk away, and added "By the way. There is one other sans here. Call him killer. He's a bit of a sociopath, but I have a feeling you two could tolerate each other. I'm going to talk to another sans that I found a few days ago. Get comfortable, or whatever saying makes you feel better." He walked away calmly at this. I walked into the offered room, with the name, 'murder' scraped onto a sign on the door. I took a glimpse of the room. It was normal, almost like the one at my AU. Except there was a desk, with a ball of yarn, and some other things, such as books, alcohol bottles, and shot glasses. The bed was also raised from the ground with a frame, and a small group of stuffed animals littered the bed. I walked over to the books, there was murder mystery, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. I chose one of the books. The title read 'Cujo' in big letters. I took the book and sat down on the bed and started reading.

[A couple hours later]

There was a loud knock on the door. I sat the book down after putting a bookmark in it, and walked to the door and opened it. It was a different skeleton this time. "Hello murder, it's nice to meet you finally. The name is killer." He said numbly. "Hey." I answered. "Soo.. I see you have been reading Cujo right? My brother said that it gave him nightmares when he tried to read it. He wouldn't get near dogs for days... Too bad he isn't here anymore, y'know? "  I nodded slowly. "Sure. I'm used to reading the horror books. It's normal. What happened to your brother anyway?"
Killer paused.
"... Promise not to get mad? "
I nodded
"I killed him."
I just looked at him. It was probably a reasonable reason that he did that.
"I made a deal with Chara. They took over. And forced me to kill my brother."
He didn't tear up.
He showed no emotion.
Though I could feel that deep inside.
He wanted to cry.
"I'm sorry for bringing it up. I kind of know how you feel. But my brother is still here in a sense." I said calmly. "What's that even supposed to mean? I don't speak mentally insane." I sighed and replied with, "I still see him even though he's dead. Everyone else doesn't see him and I don't know why."
"Well ain't that weird. Ah whatever. I'll leave you too your book and alcohol. Nice speaking to you." He said, obviously trying to walk out of the conversation before anything. I just walked over, I grabbed the book and sat it neatly on the desk and whent to sleep.

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