cold rooms.

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I woke with a shitty headache.
It wasn't like I drank any of the whiskey provided to me, no, I know the difference between a headache and a hangover.

I walked outside my assigned room. While passing the prisonlike cells, I slipped on a puddle of blood. "Damnit!" I said aloud. I got up seeing blood on my hands, and I tried to wipe it off as much as I could. I then continued to walk towards the kitchen. Once I got there, I opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. There wasn't anything to my liking, so I closed the fridge door and walked out of the kitchen. I sat down in the living room type area, and sat down on the couch. I then heard footsteps. Nightmare. Nightmare walked through the doors with another sans. "Ah! Speaking of, this is murder. Murder, this is horror." Nightmare said calmly. "Hello... Murder.." Horror said. He seemed to have a bit of a speech impediment or something, because he would talk very slowly as if he was trying to sound out the words at the same time. "Murder, have you seen killer yet, or no?" Nightmare added coldly. "Yeah. I saw him yesterday. Also, hello horror." I replied. Horror seemed very nervous. He had a indecently sized hole in his head, a full red glowing eye in one of his eye sockets. "Be nice to each other. And I'll make sure to go over the rules with the both of you." Nightmare walked out for a moment, presumably to find killer, or error. I sat there for a moment. I tend to sit as quiet as possible in a nervous situation such as this. Horror seemingly mustered up the courage to speak again. "... So.. Are you.. New.. Too?" He said Slowly. "Yeah. I am." I replied calmly. I didn't want to scare horror, as he seemed nervous as hell already. Nightmare walked back in the room with a glitched skeleton treading behind him. "I'm back, you two, this is error" he said, pointing to the glitchy skeleton. "Hello.. Error... " horror replied to errors existence. "Heya, Error." I added calmly. Papyrus was quiet for once. Error just kinda sat there across from us. "The reason I brought Error here is because he is involved in multiple rules." Nightmare said. "So, rule one. Only mentally hurt people, unless I say differently. Rule two, don't touch, poke, bite, lick, or come into contact with error. He has a phobia of touch. He might inforce that rule himself. Rule Three. Don't go into anyones room except your own without permission. Rule four, If you even need help, or you feel that something is needed to be added to the rules, you can ask me or error. Get it?"
Nightmare explained calmly.
"Yes sir." I said gilby.
"Okay... Boss.." Horror replied slowly. I walked away from the conversation.i sighed once I was in my room finally. I laid face first in my bed and didn't bother covering myself up with a blanket or anything. I just fell asleep.

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