Murder wasn't an option.

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I woke to the sound of rummaging. It was probably horror in the other room. I was starting to get used to glancing over at my desk for there to be an new bottle of whiskey provided. Nightmare probably just thought I didn't like the ones he gave me already. Papyrus was chucking to my side, per usual. Just daring me to drink some of the alcohol.I walked up to the desk and stared into the mirror. It had a three pronged scratch across the edge of the mirror. It mayhaps been scrapped from the trash. I sighed and heard a knock at my door. "Murder. It's time to get breakfast."
He makes breakfast? That's, interesting. I grabbed my hoodie and put it back on.
Skeletons don't emit smells, well nightmare might, but I dont. So it doesn't matter if we wear the same thing for days on end. It's not like we can smell anyway.

I walked to the living room, and sat down on one of the chairs with a table on the side. Nightmare brung over a plate with bacon and a piece of toast. I considered not eating it, but that would be rude, so I ate it anyway.
Horror had eaten the food like he's never eaten in his life. Nightmare kept giving him food also. Must be the case then. Horror hesitated to eat more once everyone else was done. I sighed. Error didn't even eat in the first place. "₦ł₲Ⱨ₮₥₳ⱤɆ.ɎØɄ ₭₦Ø₩ ł ₵₳₦'₮ Ɇ₳₮ ₮Ⱨł₴."Error blurted out.
"Yes you can. but if you would like to inguldge in chocolate, there is some In the fridge." Nightmare replied. "₮Ⱨ₳₦₭₴ ₦ł₲Ⱨ₮." Error added. I sighed, there was not much going on, I usually would be drinking at grilbyz right now. (Even though- he's kinda- dead and his bar is kinda, like, broken. ) I decided that I don't want to drink or anything. I shuffled around in my chair. "So, Horror, Murder, How is everything for you two?" Nightmare asked. "It's... Fine.." Horror replied quickly. I thought about it. "It's good. Fine, but can you stop bringing me whiskey please." I said calmly. "Of course. I just thought that you would want some." Nightmare shrugged.

I sighed, and walked off. It was not the best thing, but I do wonder when nightmare thought that I'd want whiskey? It's not like I would ask, it didn't matter.
I walked into my room and grabbed the book that I still haven't finished. I sat down and started reading it.

a few hours later, Horror knocks at my door.

I walk to the door, opening it. Horror just steadily, almost if he's done it multiple times before, fell to the bloodstained wooden floor. I moved him onto my bed and quickly ran to nightmares study doors.

"Sir nightmare. Horror passed out on my floor." I said quietly.
Nightmare opened his door without saying anything and walked to my room. I followed behind him.
"Where did he pass out originally." Nightmare asked, with concern lacing his tone.
"On my floor. He just knocked on my door, and I opened it and he fell down to the ground. So I sat him on my bed that way he at least be somewhat not on the floor anymore." I explained. Nightmare picked horror up with one of his Tenticals, almost as if he didn't want to touch him with his own hands, and took him to the room that belonged to horror.

Ten hours.
That's how long you tried to sleep, the insomnia was getting to you tonight. Papyrus was floating Beside you, gloating about something.
You didn't know what he was gloating about, as you were trying to get some sleep.
You sat there for a long while. At one point you could've swore you heard a childlike wail. As if someone was crying in pain.
If they were, you still didn't move. You were tired. You only wanted to finally just go to sleep.

And then finally, peace.
You fell asleep.

(Tw: murder and genocide mentions, proceed with caution.)

You were in the snowy landscape of Snowdin, specifically western Snowdin.
You stared at the two papyruses. One, a ghost. The other, your brother. Your real brother.

It was another reset, maybe.
You did scare the kid a lot.
You tried your best to not immediately kill papyrus, but the beconing of his ghost counterpart was getting to your head.

As per usual, he was trying to get you to kill his live counterpart.

A couple moments later,,

You stood above the dusty ash of your recently killed brother, and fell to your knees. You cried. And cried.
You hated this.
You hated the fact that he was taunting you.
He was laughing in your face.
You hate it.
All of it.

Then, in the distance you hear footsteps, and the sound of a soul breaking.
Your soul.
You had forgotten.
Papyrus wasn't the Only one alive.
You had forgotten that you hadn't killed everyone else.
Then everything had turned black.

(A/N:I wonder what this additive is?,a nightmare?,or iqs it real? ur gonna have to wait for that answer bros!!)

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