never let me down

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'We're flying high'

'We're watching the world pass us by'

'Never want to come down'

'Never want to put my feet back down on the ground'


'I'm taking a ride with my best friend'

"Helloooo? Amber?"

'I hope he never lets me down again'

'Promises me I'm safe as houses'

'As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers'

'I hope he never lets me down again-'

"What the-"

"Amber what have i told you about having that god damn music on full blast?" Richie groans

"sorry, but you didn't have to just steal my headphones!" Whines amber

"For headphones from the 80's i'm surprised it even goes that loud, and besides i tried three times, no one can get your attention when you're always listening to music" richie rambles on

"Is that depeche mode?"



"yes it is i know my music Amber, you little shit, did you steal that tape from me?" Richie asks


"I knew it"

"Want it back?"

"Nah I'm good, just don't have this so loud next time, with these you wouldn't have any idea if we had a break in or something" richie jokes

"Right, can i have my walkman back now?" Amber blinks

"Oh yeah sure, sorry" richie throws the Walkman onto her bed and walks out of the room.

"Be careful with that!"


After five minutes amber decides to get out of bed and go for breakfast, for today she decides on just some plain dark grey jeans, a black t shirt, and an open forest green plaid shirt over the top.

Amber walks downstairs and to her surprise richie hasn't made breakfast and is stood by the door pulling on his jacket and boots.

"Where are you going? What about breakfast?" Amber asks from the bottom of the stairs.

"The question is not where am i going, the question is where are WE going?"

"Wait what"

"I know i usually just make our own breakfast but i thought maybe it would be nice for us to try some breakfast at that tipsy bison place down the street."

"Maybe it'll be nice and we can get to know some more people y'know?"

Amber groans and rubs her eyes, "Seriously? What if i don't wanna"

"Too bad, we're going, maybe you can meet some other people your own age"

"Richie, who would be at the tipsy bison apart from the guys who go to get drunk at 10AM and the people that are just working there?" Amber sighs

"People come here for breakfast all the time, let's go, you either come with me or you starve, your choice." Richie starts out the door and walks out into the open street not waiting for her.

"Ugh fine, but only because i'm hungry"

Amber shuts the door behind her and jogs after Richie who was already halfway down the street.

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