Chapter 12

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Something was wrong with Emma. I could tell. Xander could tell. It felt like a heavy cloud. Xander tried lightening the mood a couple times but it didn't really help. When Xander finally realized he wasn't being very helpful he went quiet in thought. He suddenly stopped and smiled.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you hear that?” Xander smirked.

“No.” I said, trying to move forward.

“ It’s a river! We can fill up the canteens!” Xander nearly tripped running towards the trees. 

“Wait-” Xander was already gone before we could stop him. I looked at Emma who looked just as confused as I was.

“We better go get him.” I said walking towards the trees.

“But-” Emma said, grabbing my arm.

“It should be really fast.” I said. Then continued toward the sudden sound of a river. I stepped through the trees and gasped at the sight. I was so peaceful. The light shone through the trees reflecting off the smooth river. The river was just deep enough that you could have a boat and go fishing. I stepped closer to the river and set down my stuff. I moved my hand in the water. The water felt so light and slightly cold.

“It’s beautiful.” Emma said behind me. I sat down on the soft grass and closed my eyes. A soft breeze went through the trees causing them to sway. I suddenly opened my eyes. Where was Xander? I stood up and looked around.

“Xander?” I shouted.

Emma must have realized it too because she started shouting too. Suddenly a snap of the stick made us stop. We look at each other. It didn't feel cold. Emma struggled to breath. Sudden movement caused us to scream. I was suddenly shoved into the river. I swam to the surface. Xander was on the ground dying of laughter.

“I never thought I would hear you scream like that Kayson!” Xander continued to laugh.

Emma suddenly stormed over to Xander. “Don't do that!”

“Do what?”

“Scare us like that!”

Xander stood up and stopped smiling. Tears were running down Emma’s face. Xander tried to embrace her with an apology, but was rejected. I slowly got out of the river, soaking wet, trying not to interrupt. Emma slowly turned to look at Xander. I suddenly smiled thinking of what she was going to do. She suddenly whipped around and pushed Xander in. It was my turn to laugh.

“That's what you get!” Emma said in a motherly tone.

Xander swam up to the surface laughing.

Emma had a look of triumph on her face. I slowly got up while Xander spoke to her. 

“Your turn!” I swept her off her feet and jumped in with her.

We swam to the suffice and Emma starred a murderous glare at us. But a hint of laughter was in her eyes. Xander suddenly went under. Then popped out of the water to go on shore.

“Ladies and Gentleman. You are now going to witness the biggest splash of them all!” 

  I swam to shore.“Well, well, well! I got competition!” I smiled and stood next to Xander ready to jump. 

“three… two…-” Xander started but couldn't finish as I pushed him in.

“Hey! I didn’t say go!”

“And I didn't ask to be pushed in.” I shot back.

Emma was laughing so hard she started choking on water. She still smiled though which showed she was alright.

We swam for a little while till it got cold, then got out.

“Well, that was exciting!” Xander said, still smiling.

“But now we're soaking wet!” Emma said as she was shivering.

“I can start a fire then!” Xander said

“In the middle of the forest!? You would start a forest fire no doubt.” Emma said in a teasing concerned tone.

“Ha, ha.” Xander said sarcastically. “I'll keep it controlled.”

Emma just rolled her eyes, and walked past him towards our bags.

It took quite a while for us to dry off and warm up. We eventually pulled out the blankets when we weren't soaking wet.

“Now, it’s time for food!” Xander said, jumping to his feet. He walked towards the trees and disappeared.

“I should go get some more firewood.” I stood and walked toward the woods where Xander walked. So one; I wasn't by myself;and two, so Xander wasn't by himself. I hesitated when realizing Emma would be by herself if I left. I stopped. I looked back in the direction I walked. I could still see the fire and Emma. I sighed.

“Hey, Xander! Could you-”

A sudden scream interrupted me.

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